We're going to combine our bills together and really try to push the thing. I think that would be a complete, complete paradigm shift. Mike Gallagher More Quotes by Mike Gallagher More Quotes From Mike Gallagher There should be a separate line to scrutinize anybody with the name Abdul or Ahmed or Mohammed. Mike Gallagher scrutinize lines names There's a note of caution right now around oil prices, but many know the trends: things go down and things go up, i haven't found anyone that's alarmed. Mike Gallagher business Right and wrong are not relative terms. There are fundamental truths. Evil flourishes, but good men continue to battle it - and win. Mike Gallagher good win battle men Education means teaching kids how to do stuff and how to think about stuff. Education is a pretty simple concept with a very clear way to measure results: you give some kind of an exam - maybe it's one of those standardized tests all kids hate, maybe it's some kind of essay, but whatever it is, it'll measure the results, and the kids will hate it. Mike Gallagher you hate simple education You can't improve what you can't measure, and liberals have resisted any kind of meaningful measurement of success in the classroom for decades. Instead of focusing on the three R's, liberals have thrown up a barrage of silly things designed to distract us all from their awful stewardship of the schools. Mike Gallagher you classroom three success 'Out of many, one' is the national motto, and what the Founders imagined it meant is that out of the great and celebrated differences between us comes one nation and one larger purpose. Mike Gallagher nation great motto purpose I continually ask myself if a decision I'm about to make falls short in the eyes of God or my family or my colleagues. It's actually a pretty simple litmus test: am I doing the right thing or not? The answer is generally an easy one. Mike Gallagher eyes myself family god I think that the tea party, grassroots ideology will win every time. Mike Gallagher win think tea time If a natural disaster like a flock of birds or a bolt of lightning causes a plane's engines to fail, you know what should be expected? That the pilot will keep his or her wits about them and do their best to save each and every soul on board. That's precisely what Captain 'Sully' Sullenberger and the rest of his crew did. Mike Gallagher rest best you soul For people who never tire of telling the world what a moral high ground they've taken in opposing Donald Trump, they sure don't seem to mind offering up a bellyful of gloats and taunts. Mike Gallagher never mind people world Hamas, Hezbollah, and other Arab terror groups are committed to the destruction of Israel, a position supported by millions in the Muslim world. Mike Gallagher position destruction israel world The arrogance of the Left always fascinates me. Mike Gallagher me always left arrogance I often debate liberals on Fox News Channel who tend to start yelling and attacking when they run out of facts or common sense. I suppose these folks figure if they bow up and get in our faces, we'll just back down and see the world their way. Mike Gallagher down debate way world I've caught myself watching MSNBC more and more, simply amazed at the nightly hate-fest against millions of Americans who don't see the world through the granny glasses of Keith Olbermann or any of the other radical liberals who host shows there. Mike Gallagher see myself glasses world I wish I could understand why so many people have a nearly manic desire to excuse, defend, explain or condone evil. Mike Gallagher understand evil wish people I'm not brave. Far from it. Mike Gallagher far brave Donald Trump is clearly the underdog in this race. Just about every organized institution has thrown everything it has at him. And they won't stop until they get their wish, that Hillary Clinton will be sworn in on January 20, 2017. Mike Gallagher stop will race wish This game of pretending that to be Never Trump doesn't lead to a President Hillary Clinton has to end. Mike Gallagher end never game pretending The George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin affair is one of the most important and clarifying moments in American history. Mike Gallagher american moments important history Despite the fact that there was not one shred of evidence that George Zimmerman 'racially profiled' Trayvon Martin, America's liberals have literally taken to the streets to denounce a verdict that was, by all accounts, a just one. Mike Gallagher just just-one streets america