We read of preaching the Word out of season, but we do not read of praying out of season, for that is never out of season. Matthew Henry More Quotes by Matthew Henry More Quotes From Matthew Henry Those whom God will employ are first struck with a sense of their unworthiness to be employed. Matthew Henry gods-will christian firsts It is easy to be religious when religion is in fashion; but it is an evidence of strong faith and resolution to swim against a stream to heaven, and to appear for God when no one else appears for Him. Matthew Henry fashion strong religious What peace can they have who are not at peace with God? Matthew Henry peace-with-god If therefore our houses be houses of the Lord, we shall for that reason love home, reckoning our daily devotion the sweetest of our daily delights, and our family worship the most valuable of our family comforts. This will sanctify to us all the conveniences of our houses, and reconcile us to the inconveniences of it. Matthew Henry house home children Brotherly love is still the distinguishing badge of every true Christian. Matthew Henry brotherly-love christian love-is Those may justly be reckoned void of understanding that do not bless and praise God; nor do men ever rightly use their reason till they begin to be religious, nor live as men till they live to the glory of God. As reason is the substratum or subject of religion (so that creatures which have no reason are not capable of religion), so religion is the crown and glory of reason, and we have our reason in vain, and shall one day wish we had never had it, if we do not glorify God with it. Matthew Henry understanding religious men None are ruined by the justice of God but those that hate to be reformed by the grace of God. Matthew Henry justice-of-god hate grace May Christ be our joy, our confidence, our all. May we daily be made more like to Him, and more devoted to His service. Matthew Henry may joy christ Those that have so much power over others as to be able to oppress them have seldom so much over themselves as not to oppress. Matthew Henry power-over-others able God's Word must be the guide of your desires and the ground of your expectations in prayer. Matthew Henry prayer expectations desire We have a cunning adversary, who watches to do mischief, and will promote errors, even by the words of scripture. Matthew Henry scripture errors watches When God intends great mercy for his people, the first thing he doth is to set them a praying. Matthew Henry praying people firsts None so blind, so deaf, as those that will not hear, that will not see. Matthew Henry deaf-and-blind deaf blind Though we cannot by our prayers give God any information, yet we must by our prayers give him honor. Matthew Henry honor prayer giving It is common for those that are farthest from God, to boast themselves most of their being near to the Church. Matthew Henry boast church common The provisions of Christ's gospel appear mean and scanty to the world, yet they satisfy all that feed on him in their hearts by faith with thanksgiving. Matthew Henry heart mean world Nothing can make a man truly great but being truly good, and partaking of God's holiness. Matthew Henry holiness men Prayer is the midwife of mercy, that helps to bring it forth. Matthew Henry mercy prayer helping No attribute of God is more dreadful to sinners than His holiness. Matthew Henry holiness attributes umpires Those, and those only, can expect to be taught by God, who are ready and willing to do as they are taught... Those who go up to the house of the Lord with an expectation that He will teach them His ways, must go with a humble resolution that they will walk in His paths. Matthew Henry humble expectations house