We should be rigorous in judging ourselves and gracious in judging others. John Wesley More Quotes by John Wesley More Quotes From John Wesley The case is this: God offers you one of the greatest mercies on this side of heaven and commands you to accept it. Why do you not accept this mercy in obedience to His command.... God offers you a pardon for all your sins. John Wesley sides life heaven Cleanliness is indeed next to godliness. John Wesley cleanliness next god Let it be observed, that slovenliness is no part of religion; that neither this, nor any text of Scripture, condemns neatness of apparel. Certainly this is a duty, not a sin. Cleanliness is indeed next to godliness. John Wesley scripture next sin I'd had the quintessential liberal arts experience, and I came out of college not having a clue of what to do. John Wesley clue college art The readiest way which God takes to draw a man to himself is, to afflict him in that he loves most, and with good reason; and to cause this affliction to arise from some good action done with a single eye; because nothing can more clearly show him the emptiness of what is most lovely and desirable in the world. John Wesley eye christian men I believe there is no liturgy in the world, either in ancient or modern language, which breathes more of a solid, scriptural, rational piety, than the Common Prayer of the Church of England. And though the main of it was compiled considerably more than two hundred years ago, yet is the language of it, not only pure, but strong and elegant in the highest degree. John Wesley strong prayer believe Preach 90% Law and 10% grace. John Wesley grace law religion In the hands of [God's] children, it is food for the hungry, drink for the thirsty, raiment for the naked. it gives to the traveler and the stranger where to lay his head. By it we may supply the place of a husband to the widow, and of a father to the fatherless. We may be a defense for the oppressed, a means of health to the sick, of ease to them that are in pain. It may be as eyes to the blind, as feet to the lame: yea, a lifter up from the gates of death! John Wesley pain husband children The neglect of prayer is a grand hindrance to holiness. John Wesley holiness neglect prayer [Christ] does not give [men] light but from moment to moment; the instant He withdraws, all is darkness.... God does not give them a stock of holiness. John Wesley light men jesus Though I am always in haste, I am never in a hurry. John Wesley hurrying haste wisdom Holy solitaries' is a phrase no more consistent with the Gospel than holy adulterers. The Gospel of Christ knows no religion but social; no holiness, but social holiness. John Wesley holiness phrases christ The glories and the beauties of form, color and sound unite in the Grand Canyon - forms unrivaled even by the mountains, colors that vie with sunsets, and sounds that span the diapason from tempest to tinkling raindrop; from cataract to bubbling fountain. John Wesley sunset mountain color As theories increased, simple medicines..were forgotten, at least in the politer nations. ...Medical books, were immensely multiplied,...(towards) an abstruse science, quite out of reach of ordinary men. John Wesley simple dark book Men of learning began to set experiments aside...to form theories...and to substitute these in the place of experiments. John Wesley age dark men The longer I live, the larger allowances I make for human infirmities. I exact more from myself and less from others. John Wesley infirmity allowance humans At four in the afternoon, I submitted to be more vile and proclaimed in the highways the glad tidings of salvation. John Wesley afternoon four salvation Lord, is it not Thy word, if any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God? Thou givest liberally, and upbraidest not. Thou hast said, if any be willing to do Thy will, he shall know. I am willing to do, let me know Thy will. John Wesley lord said men I believe that He was made man, joining the human nature with the divine in one person; being conceived by the singular operation of the Holy Ghost, and born of the blessed Virgin Mary, who, as well after as before she brought Him forth, continued a pure and unspotted virgin. John Wesley blessed men believe Give me 100 men that hate nothing but sin, and love Jesus Christ, and we'll shake England for God. John Wesley life-changing hate jesus