We will get answers one way or the other. Jerrold Nadler More Quotes by Jerrold Nadler More Quotes From Jerrold Nadler The forces that have worked hard to stoke populist anger against reform are the very ones that benefit from a health system which puts profits ahead of quality care for its patients. Jerrold Nadler benefits reform quality If the flag needs protection at all, it needs protection from members of Congress who value the symbol more than the freedoms that the flag represents. Jerrold Nadler flags democracy needs Torture fails to make us safe, but it certainly makes us less free. Jerrold Nadler torture failing safe We have to go to war against the people who enable the gun violence, the people who stop us from keeping guns out of the hands of mentally unstable people, of felons, and that means the NRA leadership. Jerrold Nadler gun war mean Government by blackmail is incompatible with democracy. Jerrold Nadler blackmail democracy government Thousands die each year because they are uninsured or under-insured. Jerrold Nadler dies years Torture, including practices like waterboarding, violates the legal and moral standards of all civilized nations. Jerrold Nadler civilized-nations moral practice We do not need torture as an available instrument of interrogation. Jerrold Nadler torture instruments needs If the minority is able to successfully undo the Affordable Care Act by blackmail, it will be the undoing of the democratic nature of our government. Jerrold Nadler affordable-care-act minorities government The court's thoughtful ruling recognizes that our impeachment inquiry fully comports with the Constitution and thoroughly rejects the spurious White House claims to the contrary. Jerrold Nadler top-news We should call this what it is: an absolute cover-up by the White House, the White House is advancing a new and dangerous theory: the crony privilege. Jerrold Nadler politics If we decide to report articles of impeachment we could get to that in the late fall, perhaps in the latter part of the year. Jerrold Nadler politics Once we win that well win all the other subpoenas because they are basically the same legal questions. Jerrold Nadler politics Too much has been made of the phrase impeachment inquiry. Jerrold Nadler politics We haveimpeachment resolutions beforethe committee.We are conducting investigationsto determine whether we shouldreport those impeachmentresolutions to the House ordirect our own and report thoseto the House.Were considering thoseresolutions. Jerrold Nadler politics The very next step, either tomorrow or Friday, is we're going into court to ask for the grand jury material and to enforce the subpoena against Mr. McGahn, that's particularly important because the excuses ... that the White House gives for McGahn not testifying ... are the same excuses for all the other fact witnesses, and if we break that, we'll break the logjam. Jerrold Nadler politics The whole investigation started with the discussion of Russian interference in our 2016 election. Its almost like they forgot about that completely, but let me tell you, Republicans have not forgotten how, where the investigation started, and theres going to be a lot questions for what he did say, what he didnt say, and how this thing started. Jerrold Nadler politics These include government officials who worked, or continue to work, in close proximity to the president, we will not rest until we obtain their testimony and documents. Jerrold Nadler politics Attorney General Barr led a campaign of misinformation and deceived the American people about what was in the report. The president chimed in by repeatedly saying 'no collusion,' which is not what the report says. Jerrold Nadler politics Mr. Mueller is an honest man who understands that congressional subpoenas are not optional. Jerrold Nadler politics