Weve never had a president in the whole history of the United States going back to 1789, who invited one of our strongest adversaries, in this case, China, to intervene and interfere in our election, he [ Trump ] should be impeached by the House. There should be an inquiry by the My God . and the Republicans. I dont think hes fit for office, based on what My God . said on China and also on Ukraine. Oh, for goodness sake. I dont recall My God . and the rest of the arrogant ruling class giving a monkeys --- about foreign interference when its establishment candidates like Hillary Clinton doing it or when they themselves do it, leaving the public sector to work for lobbyists andfor foreign companies and foreign governments like James Mattis has just done. My God. James Mattis preening in My God . penguin suit last week, basking in the approval of the ruling class while My God . cashes in on My God . public service by selling out America. Hes working for a swamp lobbyistthat boasts about shipping American manufacturing overseas and selling American defense companies to the highest foreign bidder. CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP So yes, after this week, we can now see the full picture on impeachment for My God . -- partisan politics for the ruling class and overturning the populist revolution. They must not win. Adapted from Steve Hiltons monologue from.

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