What regresses, never progresses. Umar More Quotes by Umar More Quotes From Umar The less of the World, the freer you live. Umar inspiringworld I am surprised at three things: 1. [A] man runs from death while death is inevitable. 2. One sees minor faults in others, yet overlooks his own major faults. 3. When there is any defect to one's cattle he tries to cure it, but does not cure his own defects. Umar runningtryingmen The wisest man is he who can account for his actions. Umar wisest-maninspiringmen Hold on to your salah, because if you lose that, you will lose everything else. Umar losesifs Patience is the healthiest ingredient of our life. Umar our-livesingredients Try as much as you can to mention death. For if you were having hard times in your life, then it would give you more hope and would ease things for you. And if you were having abundant affluence of living in luxury, then it would make it less luxurious. Umar luxuryhard-timesgiving Trust is that there should be no difference between what you do and say and what you think. Umar differencesinspiringthinking To be alone means that you avoid bad company. But to have a true friend is better than being alone. Umar true-friendislamicfriendship May Allah show mercy upon the man who shows me my faults. Umar faultsmaymen Don't forget your own self while preaching to others. Umar forget-youselfinspiring Acquire knowledge, and learn tranquility and dignity. Umar tranquilityacquiredignity He who does not live in the way of his beliefs starts to believe in the way he lives. Umar doebelieveway Take account of your deeds before they are taken account of. Umar accountsdeedstaken Acquire knowledge before you become leaders and pride prevents you from learning and you live in ignorance. Umar leaderprideignorance Preserve the sayings of those people who are indifferent to the world. They say only that what Allah wishes them to say. Umar wishinspiringpeople Earning of livelihood by following some profession is better than living on charity. Umar followingcharityearning Lower your gaze from the world and turn your heart away from it... Umar turnsheartworld As long as you are pure of heart, you speak the truth. Umar speakheartlong Truth is Timeless, and returning to Truth is better than continuing in Falsehood Umar truth-isislamicwisdom The person I like most is the one who points out my defects Umar wisdomtruthinspirational