When I'm doing music and I'm on the road, I love it. But once I'm home, it's very difficult to go back out on the road. Noel Gallagher More Quotes by Noel Gallagher More Quotes From Noel Gallagher College football today is one of the last great strongholds of genuine old-fashioned American hypocrisy. Noel Gallagher hypocrisycollegefootball We live a dying dream, If you know what I mean... Noel Gallagher dyingdreammean All your dreams are made / When you're chained to the mirror and the razor blade Noel Gallagher razorsmirrorsdream Americans are crazy. They have this fascination with throwing their shoes on stage. I've been to a lot of shows in me life, some good and some bad. But I was never moved to take off me shoes and throw it at the lead singer. Noel Gallagher oasisshoescrazy When I was 16 I'd watch 'The Godfather,' but I didn't think, 'Right, I'm going to go down the barber's and get some protection money off him.' Noel Gallagher protectionwatchesthinking I like being famous. It can be a bit of a pain but you get free food in restaurants and people send you clothes. Noel Gallagher clothespainpeople I'm not sure about this Live 8 thing. Correct me if I am wrong, but are they hoping that one of these guys from the G8 is on a quick 15-minute break at Gleneagles and sees Annie Lennox singing "Sweet Dreams" and thinks: "F... me, she might have a point there, you know." It's not going to f... happen, is it? Keane doing "Somewhere Only We Know" and some Japanese businessman going: "Aw, look at him...we should really f... drop that debt, you know." It's not going to happen, is it? Noel Gallagher dreamsweetthinking Don't lay a finger on me eyebrows or I'll sue you f... Noel Gallagher laysfingerseyebrows I envy drummers. It must be the ultimate to sing and play drums at the same time. Phil Collins, no wonder he's so f... happy. Noel Gallagher envywonderplay Phil Collins sold five times as many records as I did. Does that make him nearly as influential as I am? Nope. Noel Gallagher influentialrecordsdoe I'm going to get drunk and insult as many musicians from the 80's as is humanly possible. Noel Gallagher insultdrunkmusician All i would like to say is that I'm rich and you're not. Noel Gallagher rich The thing about us is we're honest. If we're asked whether we take drugs, we say yes. I was brought up by my mom not to be a liar. Noel Gallagher drugmomliars My wife would say I'm not romantic at all, but I would say that I'm the ultimate romancer because I write about... life being brilliant. Noel Gallagher brilliantwifewriting My kids have got to work themselves around my life, not the other way. That's how kids become brats, if you're there staring at them all the time going, 'Are you alright?' Noel Gallagher staringkidsway What's problematic about playing stadiums and driving around in private jets and drinking champagne at 8 o'clock in the morning? What's wrong with that? I haven't got a problem with that. I can't fathom why people would. Noel Gallagher drinkingmorningpeople You'll find people who rib you about their age are petrified about getting old. It doesn't bother me. Noel Gallagher ribsagepeople They should be shot. (on the Backstreet Boys) Noel Gallagher shotsshouldboys I don't mind One Direction. They're harmless, aren't they? Noel Gallagher one-directionmind The fate of the African continent does not f-ing depend on a load of f-ing musicians in Hyde Park singing f-ing s-t songs to kids. Noel Gallagher fatesongkids