When I was a child, I had wax in my ears. Dad didn't take me to the doctor, he used me as a night light. Les Dawson More Quotes by Les Dawson More Quotes From Les Dawson Marriage is an institution and that's where a couple finishes up. Les Dawson sex-maniacmarriagecouple The mother-in-law is the centre of a family. Les Dawson centrelawmother With wives, men hide behind the air of bravado, which is basically a defence mechanism, I think. Clever creatures, women. Very clever. Les Dawson clevermenthinking I'm the most unromantic lump of Northern suet. Yes, a woman did accost me once in South Shields, but she had a face like Red Rum. Les Dawson shieldsredfaces I know my name will always be linked with women. Les Dawson linkednamesknows Slumps don't bother me. Les Dawson slumpsbother My mother-in-law said, 'One day I will dance on your grave.' I said 'I hope you do; I will be buried at sea.' Les Dawson daydancehopesea Marriage is an institution and that's where a couple finish up. Les Dawson finishwhereupmarriage You do something you're really quite proud of, and the public doesn't like it. Then you do something that perhaps you're not at all happy with and the public loves it. And that's the moment of truth, because it's the audience that's the final judge. Les Dawson momentyoutruthhappy When we were courting, I told my wife: 'I could live in your eyes.' She said: 'You'd be at home; there's a stye in one of them.' Les Dawson eyesyouwifehome