When I was a kid, I was obsessed with Thor. I had a hammer. Kristian Nairn More Quotes by Kristian Nairn More Quotes From Kristian Nairn I'm a massive 'WoW' nerd, and gamer in general. Kristian Nairn generalwowgamernerd Winterfell is atop of this huge mountain in Northern Ireland, and you can see all these weather fronts coming in. Basically, the sky circles the mountain. It's the most beautiful place. Kristian Nairn youskyweatherbeautiful I trained to become a sign-language interpreter because it helps you read physical expression and the emotions of body language. Kristian Nairn emotionsyoulanguagebody I've had dogs all my life. I'm a huge animal lover, especially dogs, so that's one of the hardest things about being away all the time. I really miss them, but my mum does a really good job looking after then when I'm gone. Kristian Nairn my-lifegoodtimelife I don't really make a distinction because when I'm acting, I feel like an actor, and when I DJ, I feel like a DJ, and when I play the guitar, I feel like a guitar player. I don't know which I prefer. I think I just like to perform, in some way or another. Kristian Nairn djfeelthinkguitar I remember the first single I ever bought. I think it was a terrible song called 'D.I.S.C.O.' by a band called Ottawan. It's a really fearless disco track from the '70s or early '80s. Kristian Nairn thinkfearlesssongremember With 'World of Warcraft,' I like the potential for wasting time. Kristian Nairn likewasting-timetimeworld I don't see why people are so concerned at what other people do behind closed doors or in their lives. Kristian Nairn behindseedoorspeople There's no one else like Hodor on 'Game of Thrones.' There's no other character with that warmth, humanity, and a little bit of comic relief. Kristian Nairn gamelikehumanitycharacter To play this iconic character from this historically wonderful series of books - who wouldn't take that opportunity and be happy about it? I'm happy to be Hodor forever. Kristian Nairn be-happyhappyopportunitycharacter In all honesty, when you talk about 'the gay community,' you are talking about my community, haha. Kristian Nairn yougayhonestycommunity I was always into classical music and opera because I played the piano as I went through school and was very interested in Andrew Lloyd Webber musicals and stuff like that. That changed into heavy metal at around the age of 14 or 13, and I dropped the piano and started to play the guitar. Kristian Nairn guitarmusicageschool I played with local bands and ended up touring with Scissor Sisters, Mylo, Alphabeat, and Calvin Harris. That somehow changed into DJ'ing. Kristian Nairn somehowsistersupchanged I've never hidden my sexuality from anyone - my whole life, in fact - and I've been waiting for someone to ask about it in an interview, 'cause it's not something you just blurt out. Kristian Nairn neveryouwaitinglife I had an upbringing to respect other people's privacy and their right to be and choose what they want, and I expect - no, demand - no less for myself. Kristian Nairn myselfprivacyrespectpeople I always have to have the new gadgets and stuff when they come out. I'm not really interested enough in learning how they work. Kristian Nairn newlearningenoughwork I have to have everything. I have to have iPads. I've had I think every generation of iPod. I've had all the consoles at least once; I've had some of them twice. I get them and get fed up with them and get rid of them. Kristian Nairn generationsomeeverythingthink I sorta worked out a few years ago that one of my favorite things to do in 'World of Warcraft' is look for things, to just spend the time flying around searching. Kristian Nairn lookflyingtimeworld Although I have been performing in all sorts of ways and roles since childhood, 'GoT' is my first proper venture onto the screen. Kristian Nairn gotfirstbeenchildhood I would relish a role that really shows a bit of background into how the bad guy got the way he is... a little more complex than cackling behind a hooded cloak. Kristian Nairn bad-guybehindbadway