Whether at home or abroad, the task of statesman is to work with human nature warts and all, and to draw on instincts and even prejudices that can be turned to good purpose. It is never to try to recreate Mankind in a new image. Margaret Thatcher More Quotes by Margaret Thatcher More Quotes From Margaret Thatcher There is nothing inevitable about rising unemployment. Margaret Thatcher inevitablerisingunemployment I don't want to fight any wars; if you can get them off before we get there, you do it, but off they go. Margaret Thatcher fightingwantwar The spirit of the South Atlantic was the spirit of Britain at her best. It has been said that we surprised the world, that British patriotism was rediscovered in those spring days. It was never really lost. But it would be no bad thing if the feeling that swept the country then were to continue to inspire us. For if there was any doubt about the determination of the British people it was removed by the men and women who, a few months ago, brought a renewed sense of pride and self-respect to our country. Margaret Thatcher determinationspringcountry I do wish I had brought my cheque book. I don't believe in credit cards. Margaret Thatcher responsibilitybelievebook I couldn't live without work. That's what makes me so sympathetic towards those people who are unemployed. I don't know how they live without working. Margaret Thatcher unemployedunemploymentpeople When I look at him [Edward Heath] and he looks at me, I don't feel that it is a man looking at a woman. More like a woman being looked at by another woman. Margaret Thatcher look-at-memenlooks I'll stay until I'm tired of it. So long as Britain needs me, I shall never be tired of it. Margaret Thatcher tiredlongneeds We believe in a free Europe, not a standardised Europe. Diminish that variety within the member states, and you impoverish the whole Community. We insist that the institutions of the European Community are managed so that they increase the liberty of the individual throughout the continent. These institutions must not be permitted to dwindle into bureaucracy. Whenever they fail to enlarge freedom the institutions should be criticised and the balance restored. Margaret Thatcher communityeuropebelieve I hope we shall see more ande more women combining marriage and a career. Prejudice against this dual role is not confined to men. I regret to say, it comes from our own sex. Margaret Thatcher regretmensex I do not understand the unilateralists. If they hated nuclear weapons as much as I do they would want them down in the world as a whole. I am the true disarmer, I keep peace and freedom and justice with it. Margaret Thatcher nuclearjusticeworld Marxists get up early to further their cause. We must get up even earlier to defend our freedom. Margaret Thatcher up-earlyget-upcauses In my view dictators do not surrender. They have to be well and truly defeated. Margaret Thatcher dictatorsurrenderviews Freedom under the law must never be taken for granted. Margaret Thatcher taken-for-grantedtakenlaw We must not fall into the trap of projecting our own morality onto the Soviet leaders. They do not share our aspirations, they are not constrained by our ethics, they always consider themselves exempt from the rules that bind other states. Margaret Thatcher ethicsleaderfall It must be a conviction Government. As Prime Minister I could not waste time having internal arguments. Margaret Thatcher wasting-timewastegovernment We have made too much of one or two people, and we think that they can win or lose elections for us. Don't be depressed if one particular person transgresses. It doesn't lose an election unless the Party loses faith in itself. Margaret Thatcher partywinningthinking I have never knowingly made a non-controversial speech in my life. Margaret Thatcher controversialspeechmade The wisdom of hindsight, so useful to historians and indeed to authors of memoirs, is sadly denied to practicing politicians. Margaret Thatcher hindsightpoliticianhistory Advisers advise, and ministers decide. Margaret Thatcher adviserministersadvise One of my favourite quotations is: 'That which thy father bequeathed thee, earn it anew, if thou wouldst possess it.' Margaret Thatcher favouritetheefather