Who is going to cast out an error to which he has given birth and replace it with an adopted truth? Karl Kraus More Quotes by Karl Kraus More Quotes From Karl Kraus Immortality is the only thing which doesn't tolerate being postponed. Karl Kraus tolerateimmortality The real end of the world is the destruction of the spirit; the other kind depends on the insignificant attempt to see whether after such a destruction the world can go on. Karl Kraus realgoes-onworld What torture, this life in society! Often someone is obliging enough to offer me a light, and in order to oblige him I have to fish a cigarette out of my pocket. Karl Kraus lightlifeorder When a man is treated like a beast, he says, 'After all, I'm human.' When he behaves like a beast, he says 'After all, I'm only human. Karl Kraus beastliteraturemen The difference between psychiatrists and other mentally disturbed people is something like the relationship between concave and convex madness. Karl Kraus madnessdifferencespeople Nationalism is the love which ties me to the blockheads of my country, to the insultors of my way of life, and to the desecrators of my language. Karl Kraus patriotismtiescountry It is either a half-truth or a truth and a half. Karl Kraus half-truthhalf Adults who still derive childlike pleasure from hanging gifts of a ready-made education on the Christmas tree of a child waiting outside the door to life do not realize how unreceptive they are making the children to everything that constitutes the true surprise of life. Karl Kraus educationdoorschildren This is something that I cannot get over -- that a whole line could be written by half a man, that a work could be built on the quicksand of a character. Karl Kraus writingcharacterart The ultimate aim of psychoanalysis is to attribute art to mental weakness, and then to trace the weakness back to the point where, according to analytic dogma, it originated namely, the lavatory. Karl Kraus dogmaweaknessart The press, that goiter of the world, swells up with the desire for conquest and bursts with the achievements which every day brings. A week has room for the boldest climax of the human drive for expansion. Karl Kraus achievementmediadesire Newspapers have roughly the same relationship to life as fortune-tellers to metaphysics. Karl Kraus metaphysicsnewspapersfortune A man's eroticism is a woman's sexuality. Karl Kraus sexualitymen The superman is a premature ideal, one that presupposes man. Karl Kraus prematureidealsmen The unattractive thing about chauvinism is not so much the aversion to other nations as the love of one's own. Karl Kraus patriotismaversionunattractive If by day art is in the service of business, the evenings are devoted to the businessman's enjoyment of it. That is asking a lot of art, but art and the businessman make it work. Karl Kraus businessaskingart My respect for the inconsiderable is assuming gigantic dimensions. Karl Kraus sizerespectdimensions Sexual enlightenment is that hardhearted process which for hygienic reasons forbids young people to satisfy their curiosity themselves. Karl Kraus enlightenmentcuriositypeople The streets of Vienna are paved with culture, the streets of other cities with asphalt. Karl Kraus viennacitiesculture The world has become uglier since it began to look into a mirror every day; so let us settle for the mirror image and do without an inspection of the original. Karl Kraus mirrorslooksworld