Wise men don't judge: they seek to understand. Wei Wu Wei More Quotes by Wei Wu Wei More Quotes From Wei Wu Wei Why are you unhappy? Because 99.9 percent, Of everything you think, And of everything you do, Is for yourself - And there isn’t one. Wei Wu Wei percent unhappy thinking Play your part in the comedy, but don't identify yourself with your role! Wei Wu Wei comedy roles play Disciples and devotees…what are most of them doing? Worshipping the teapot instead of drinking the tea! Wei Wu Wei disciple drinking tea What do you have to do? Pack your bags, Go to the station without them, Catch the train, And leave your self behind. Wei Wu Wei packs bags self Do you realise that when you give a schilling to a beggar you are giving it to yourself?Do you realise that when you help a dog over a stile you yourself are being helped?Do you realise when you kick a man when he is down, you are kicking yourslef?Give him another kick, you deserve it! Wei Wu Wei dog giving men Never forget, what your looking for is what is looking. Wei Wu Wei never-forget forget We imagine that waking-life is real and that dream-life is unreal, but there does not seem to be any evidence for this belief. Wei Wu Wei real dream life A man who is seeking for realization is not only going around searching for his spectacles without realizing that they are on his nose all the time, but also were he not actually looking through them he would not be able to see what he is looking for! Wei Wu Wei realization noses men Doctrines, scriptures, sutras, essays, are not to be regarded as systems to be followed. They merely contribute to understanding. They should be for us a source of stimulation, and nothing more... Adopted, rather than used as a stimulus, they are a hindrance. Wei Wu Wei doctrine scripture understanding It is only with total humility, and in absolute stillness of mind that we can know what indeed we are. Wei Wu Wei pride humility mind As long as there is a 'you' doing or not-doing, thinking or not-thinking, 'meditating' or 'not-meditating' you are no closer to home than the day you were born. Wei Wu Wei home long thinking We do not possess an 'ego.' We are possessed by the idea of one. Wei Wu Wei possessed ego ideas THIS which is seeking is THAT which is sought, Wei Wu Wei seeking The writer of these lines has nothing whatsoever to teach anyone; his words are just his contribution to our common discussion of what must inevitably be for us the most important subject which could be discussed by sentient beings. Wei Wu Wei lines important common Past and Future are a duality of which Present is the reality. The now-moment alone is eternal and real. Wei Wu Wei moments real past The seeing of Truth cannot be dualistic (a 'thing' seen). It cannot be seen by a see-er, or via a see-er. There can only be a seeing which itself is Truth. Wei Wu Wei seeing In order to be effective truth must penetrate like an arrow - and that is likely to hurt. Wei Wu Wei arrows hurt order There is no mystery whatever - only inability to perceive the obvious. Wei Wu Wei obvious inability mystery The only real service we can render to that which we perceive and interpret in phenomenal existence as 'others' is by awakening to universal consciousness ourselves. Wei Wu Wei consciousness awakening real Spontaneity is being present in the present. Wei Wu Wei spontaneity