With happiness as with health: to enjoy it, one should be deprived of it occasionally. Jules Verne More Quotes by Jules Verne More Quotes From Jules Verne One's native land!?there should one live! there die! Jules Verne dies land should Solitude, isolation, are painful things, and beyond human endurance. Jules Verne isolation endurance solitude Your dead sleep quietly, at least, Captain, out of reach of sharks" "Yes, sir, of sharks and men. Jules Verne sharks sleep men I am nothing to you but Captain Nemo; and you and your companions are nothing to me but the passengers of the Nautilus. Jules Verne nemo companion captains Science, my boy, is composed of errors, but errors that it is right to make, for they lead step by step to the truth. Jules Verne truth boys science A true Englishman doesn't joke when he is talking about so serious a thing as a wager. Jules Verne wagers serious talking Well, gentlemen, do you believe in the possibility of aerial locomotion by machines heavier than air? ... You ask yourselves doubtless if this apparatus, so marvellously adapted for aerial locomotion, is susceptible of receiving greater speed. It is not worth while to conquer space if we cannot devour it. I wanted the air to be a solid support to me, and it is. I saw that to struggle against the wind I must be stronger than the wind, and I am. Jules Verne struggle air believe I had no need of sails to drive me, nor oars nor wheels to push me, nor rails to give me a faster road. Air is what I wanted, that was all. Air surrounds me as water surrounds the submarine boat, and in it my propellers act like the screws of a steamer. That is how I solved the problem of aviation. That is what a balloon will never do, nor will any machine that is lighter than air. Jules Verne air giving water If there were no thunder, men would have little fear of lightning. Jules Verne lightning littles men Great robbers always resemble honest folk. Fellows who have rascally faces have only one course to take, and that is to remain honest; otherwise, they would be arrested off-hand. Jules Verne would-be faces hands In lighthearted countries, people joked about this phenomenon, but such serious, practical countries as England, America, and Germany were deeply concerned. Jules Verne country america people Whatever one man is capable of conceiving, other men will be able to achieve. Jules Verne It was a big sea snake, but I couldn't quite make it out what kind of snake it was, its head was biting a stone fish close to its tail area, and the fish had a huge bite into the snake. Jules Verne world In consequence of inventing machines, men will be devoured by them. Jules Verne them will machines men You cannot oppose reasoning to pride, the principal of all the vices, since, by its very nature, the proud man refuses to listen to it. Jules Verne you man proud nature Man, a mere inhabitant of the earth, cannot overstep its boundaries! But though he is confined to its crust, he may penetrate into all its secrets. Jules Verne secrets man boundaries earth What is there unreasonable in admitting the intervention of a supernatural power in the most ordinary circumstances of life? Jules Verne supernatural power circumstances life In spite of the opinions of certain narrow-minded people, who would shut up the human race upon this globe, as within some magic circle it must never outstep, we shall one day travel to the moon, the planets, and the stars, with the same facility, rapidity, and certainty as we now make the voyage from Liverpool to New York! Jules Verne day stars people travel Put two ships in the open sea, without wind or tide, and, at last, they will come together. Throw two planets into space, and they will fall one on the other. Place two enemies in the midst of a crowd, and they will inevitably meet; it is a fatality, a question of time; that is all. Jules Verne space sea together time 'Movement is life;' and it is well to be able to forget the past, and kill the present by continual change. Jules Verne change forget life past