You cannot question an assumption you do not know you have made. R. Buckminster Fuller More Quotes by R. Buckminster Fuller More Quotes From R. Buckminster Fuller The Things to do are: the things that need doing, that you see need to be done, and that no one else seems to see need to be done. R. Buckminster Fuller things-to-dodoneneeds Specialization breeds biases that ultimately aggregate as international and ideological discord, which, in turn, leads to war. R. Buckminster Fuller discordturnswar Initiative can neither be created nor delegated. It can only spring from the self-determining individual, who decides that the wisdom of others is not always better than his own. R. Buckminster Fuller initiativeselfspring I am deeply impressed with the designer of the universe; I am confident I couldnt have done anywhere near such a good job. R. Buckminster Fuller designerdonejobs You don't belong to you. You belong to the Universe and you're here to serve. R. Buckminster Fuller universe I'm not trying to copy Nature, I'm trying to find the principles she's using. R. Buckminster Fuller copiesprinciplestrying The vector equilibrium is the true zero reference of the energetic mathematics. Zero pulsation in the vector equilibrium is the nearest approach we will ever know to eternity and god: the zero phase of conceptual integrity inherent in the positive and negative asymmetries that propagate the differentials of consciousness. R. Buckminster Fuller zerointegritynegative A new, self-employed architect scientist is the one in all the world who may accelerate realization of a high-standard survival for all, as now completely practical within the scope of available technology. R. Buckminster Fuller survivaltechnologyself I am a passenger on the spaceship Earth. R. Buckminster Fuller passengersspaceshipsearth Love is a metaphysical gravity. R. Buckminster Fuller metaphysicalgravitylove-is Everything you've learned in school as "obvious" becomes less and less obvious as you begin to study the universe. R. Buckminster Fuller obviousstudyschool My biggest hope that we're going to make it here is that this thinking is being manifested & really employed by the young world. Will they be going fast enough to overcome the initiatives of the bureaucracies & the fears operative in those bureaucracies? It's a very touch & go question. R. Buckminster Fuller overcomingworldthinking Every child has an enormous drive to demonstrate competence. R. Buckminster Fuller enormouscompetencechildren Every time man makes a new experiment he always learns more. He cannot learn less. R. Buckminster Fuller experimentsmen The vector equilibrium is the zero point for R. Buckminster Fuller vectorscircuszero Wealth is the product of energy times intelligence: energy turned into artifacts that advantage human life. R. Buckminster Fuller energymotivationalinspirational Gold and silver from the dead turn often into lead. R. Buckminster Fuller gold-and-silversilvergold Physics has found no straight lines. Instead, the physical universe consists of only waves undulating back and forth allowing for corrections and balance. R. Buckminster Fuller balancelinesphysics All sports are time control demonstrations. R. Buckminster Fuller demonstrationsports A proverb is much matter distilled into few words. R. Buckminster Fuller spectacularfew-wordsmatter