You discover your identity and purpose through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Rick Warren More Quotes by Rick Warren More Quotes From Rick Warren What surprises me most about God is that the creator of the universe should want a relationship with me. Rick Warren surpriseshouldwant Worry is the warning light that shows I’ve stopped looking to God to meet my needs. Rick Warren lightworryneeds Those who follow the crowd usually get lost in it. Rick Warren famous-motivationalcrowdsmonday The most damaging aspect of contemporary living is short-term thinking. Rick Warren aspecttermthinking If you want to know why you were jplaced on this planet, you must begin with God. You were born by his purpose and for his purpose. Rick Warren purposechristianreligion Irrelevance happens when the speed of change outside an organization is greater than speed of change inside an organization. Rick Warren organizationleadershipchristian God is always more interested in why we do something than in what we do. Attitudes count more than achievements. Rick Warren purpose-driven-lifeachievementattitude Building friendships with people from dissimilar backgrounds and diverse perspectives will make you wiser and more creative. Rick Warren perspectivecreativepeople In pain, I'd rather walk with Jesus with all of my questions, than walk by myself with all the answers. Rick Warren painanswersjesus The best use of life is love. The best expression of love is time. The best time to love is now. Rick Warren romantic-lovechristiantime God is looking for people to use, and if you can get usable, he will wear you out. The most dangerous prayer you can pray is this: 'Use me.' Rick Warren prayergodpeople As long as you do things for God, you are a Hall of Famer in heaven's list. Rick Warren christianfaithlong Telling others how they can have eternal life is the greatest thing you can do for them. Rick Warren eternal-lifeeternallife-is Your illness is not your identity. Your chemistry is not your character. Rick Warren chemistryidentitycharacter He (God) usually prefers to work through people rather than perform miracles, so that we will depend on each other for fellowship. Rick Warren fellowshipmiraclepeople When real revival happens, it changes the moral climate of a community...because we've turned from our wicked ways. Rick Warren wickedcommunityreal Your wisest moments will be those when you say yes to God. Rick Warren wisestmoments Without a purpose, life is motion without meaning, activity without direction, and events without reason. Rick Warren eventspurposelife-is the moment you stop learning, you stop leading. Rick Warren learningleadershipeducation In Psalm 72, Solomon prays for power and fame but he says the purpose of influence is to speak up for others and one is the immigrant. He doesn't delineate between legal and illegal. Rick Warren influencepurposepraying