You have to assume everything is going to end up online, even if you're alone in a hotel elevator. Megan Fox More Quotes by Megan Fox More Quotes From Megan Fox That kind of saved me honestly. Megan Fox As an actor, it's just very unforgiving because you can't be on camera once you're past a certain stage of pregnancy, also, once you have the baby it’s like 'Okay, well you're going to have to leave to nurse every two hours and that costs us money and now we're dealing with insurance.' It becomes this big thing. Megan Fox I was in a row with Bieber and Trump was also in my row. I’d never seen the Secret Service in person before so he had like 30 Secrete Service with him. He was a legend. That arena was very supportive of Trump when he came in. Megan Fox I'm in the house that we're staying in for right now, this is the living room area and they all fell asleep on the couch last night watching a movie. Megan Fox Instead of a soul mate, a twin flame is actually where a soul has ascended into a high enough level that it can be split into two different bodies at the same time, so were actually two halves of the same soul, I think. And I said that to him almost immediately, because I felt it right away. Megan Fox You can not be on social media all the time, checking your likes and your comments. You have to trust in what youre doing, and in your purpose, and move forward, you can not be scrolling and go, Oh, people dont like this, or, They dont like this hair color, and then mold yourself to fit what a small group of people who have ever-changing opinions think about you. Dont let that s -- t guide you. Thats not a north star. Thats the devil. Megan Fox When Megan Fox tell someone that theyre not good at something or that theyre deficient, they can absorb that and it can become their reality, and create a life that reflects that negative s -- t that Megan Fox spoke about them ! Megan Fox