You're going to see variants that are selected for greater transmissibility and/or antibody resistance because they're the two biggest selection pressures. John Moore More Quotes by John Moore More Quotes From John Moore He who hasn't hacked assemply language as a youth has no heart. He who does as an adult has no brain. John Moore The government's initiative to develop regional connectivity encourages airlines to go into these markets and creates an opportunity for us. John Moore business But the sky isn’t falling and vaccination still protects strongly against the worse outcomes. John Moore The Trump administration came out with new biological opinions, which would allow more water to travel south of the delta, obviously, the Trump administration and the California administration did not get along. I think they like suing each other more than they like to have actual productive conversations. And so that Trump-era decision has not been utilized to the fullest. John Moore We have this incredible infrastructure in California for water conveyance. John Moore The other point to remember is that when you're talking about these variants they haven't suddenly grown scissors that will cut their way through masks; they haven't grown spring heeled boots that will bounce them 50 yards between people, they're still coronaviruses and they're still stoppable by the standard procedures that we should all be doing. John Moore Proteins are very flexible in their abilities to interact with receptors or antibodies; they are capable of [tolerating] mutation in quite a number of different ways to achieve the same endpoint. John Moore The Rockefeller study's useful, but still not the complete story. John Moore Who's in the trials - the kind of people who tend to stay at home or the kind of people who attended the Sturgis rally ? John Moore The Chinese wouldn't be doing this if they didn't have a rational plan for The Chinese. They do not mess around, the Chinese are not illogical. John Moore