You're the first, the last, and my everything and the answer to all my dreams. You're my sun, my moon, my guiding star, my kind of wonderful, that's what you are Barry White More Quotes by Barry White More Quotes From Barry White There's people making babies to my music. That's nice. Barry White music nice baby Take it off, baby, take it all off. I want you the way you came into the world. Barry White baby sex world I'm never gonna quit, cause quitting' just ain't my schtick. Barry White quitting causes inspirational All I had was the will and the love for music. I couldn't read music or write it. No connections, no car, no money, no bankroll, no clothes, no nothing. Barry White clothes car writing We are all gods, all forces of nature. We can destroy, we can build. We are like oceans and like fires. Barry White force ocean fire I'm so thankful that your mine, your sweetness is my weakness. Barry White sweetness weakness quality When I saw corruption, I was forced to find truth on my own. I couldn't swallow the hypocrisy. Barry White saws hypocrisy truth I'll come to you with gifts of knowledge, wisdom and truth. Barry White knowledge-wisdom The women used the music to get their men to relate to them better: "talk to me, tell me what's on your mind." Men used the music to get the girls in the mood to make love. So either way you had it, Barry White is the one artist who actually was in your bedroom with you at your most sacred, sensuous moment of your life. Barry White girl artist men Disco deserved a better name, a beautiful name because it was a beautiful art form. It made the consumer beautiful. The consumer was the star. Barry White stars beautiful art I never learned to read or write music. Never wanted to fool with scales. That was boring, forced. The music I heard was free - flowing. Barry White fool boring writing When a man's making love, the last thing he thinks about is war. Barry White men war thinking I try to tell a story musically in a song. Barry White stories song trying Most families had four, five brothers. But because it was just me and Darryl, we had to be twice as strong. Barry White workout strong brother It's ecstasy when you're laying down next to me. Barry White laying-down next expression When I commit, I commit with my whole heart, my whole being. I know the Bible like the back of my hand. Barry White commit heart hands In my day, we didn't have the cocaine, so we went out and knocked somebody over the head and took the money. But today, all this cocaine and crack, it doesn't give kids a chance. Barry White cracks giving kids Been making love for hours and, baby, we're still going strong. Girl, this night is ours and I swear I feel it coming on. All I know is when we get through, I ain't going to be able to move. Barry White girl strong baby I don't know if it's my music, my lyrics, my sound and knowing the music business the way I do - all I can say is, my career has lasted way longer than I expected. Barry White careers knowing business I'm very happy with this new record. It's dealing with different aspects of love-it's me making a statement about people doing something with their lives. It is about caring for others. Barry White different caring people