Zsadist: I didn't make up the rules of this scenario Wrath: You'll die if you go by yourself. Zsadist: Well... I'm kind of ready to get off the ride. Phury felt his skin get tight all over. J.R. Ward More Quotes by J.R. Ward More Quotes From J.R. Ward Some things are destined to be -- it just takes us a couple of tries to get there. J.R. Ward fatecoupletrying You're looking at that chick like you want to roll her up in a taco and put your hot sauce all over her. J.R. Ward tacossaucewant Bye-bye, Elan. P.S., Next time you implicate someone falsely, try to pick a pacifist. J.R. Ward nextbyetrying From one king to another, know that I'm giving you the middle finger right now." And he was, with a smile. J.R. Ward middle-fingerkingsgiving My twin's not broken. He's ruined. Do you understand the difference? With broken maybe you can fix him. Ruined? All you can do is wait to bury him. J.R. Ward differencesbrokenwaiting Hey, no offense, but do you mind if you put both your palms where I can see ’em? J.R. Ward heyemsmind You are so beautiful, he mouthed. But of course she couldn’t see his lips. Guess he was going to have to show her. J.R. Ward lipsshowsbeautiful Among the problems with shame was that it in fact did not make you shorter or quieter or less visible. You just felt like you were. J.R. Ward shameproblemfacts I’m on the benevolent side of antisocial. I don’t mind people, but I’d prefer not to have a lot of them around. J.R. Ward mindsidespeople Bad deeds like beauty, are in the eye of the beholder. J.R. Ward sataniceyedeeds You've always had me ... and my heart. My soul. Everything. I wish it hadn't taken this long for me to man up. J.R. Ward takenheartmen Love can conquer everything but reality. Which will win every stinking time. J.R. Ward conquerwinningreality ...He palmed up the life Alert. Death Alert was more like it: Help, I haven't fallen and I'm standing up-can you come and rectify this problem? - Isaac J.R. Ward rectifyproblemhelping I was dead until you found me, though I breathed. I was sightless, though I could see. And then you came...and I was awakened. J.R. Ward black-dagger-brotherhoodzsadistfound Welcome to the wonderful world of jealousy, he thought. For the price of admission, you get a splitting headache, a nearly irresistable urge to commit murder, and an inferiority complex. Yippee. J.R. Ward zsadistjealousylove The male's diamond eyes locked on Payne, and though she hadn't seen him in forever, she knew who he was. Sure as if she was staring at her own reflection. Tears sprang unbidden to her eyes for last she had known, he breathed no longer. "Vishous," she whispered desperately. "Oh, brother mine. J.R. Ward eyebrotherreflection No, you've got it all wrong, John." Reading his emotions, she shook her head. "You're not half the male you could be because of what was done to you. You're twice what anyone else is because you survived. J.R. Ward malesdonereading Take off your coat." "Excuse me?" "Take it off." "No." "I want it off." "Then I suggest you hold your breath. Won't affect me in the slightest, but at least the suffocation will help pass the time for you. [Vishous to Jane] J.R. Ward coatswanthelping You're the reason I get out of bed every night. And you're the reason I can't wait to come home every dawn. Not the war. Not the Brothers. Not even Butch. It's...you. J.R. Ward brotherhomewar I love you. And I'm going to keep loving you even after you don't know I exist. J.R. Ward loving-youknowslove-you