Joe Manchin Professions : United States SenatorBorn : August 24, 1947 Browse All Authors Top 170 quotes by Joe Manchin Every child should have a safe place in their life. Joe Manchin safeshould-havechildren I don't know anybody that doesn't own a gun. Joe Manchin gunknows I am very proud of the critical role West Virginians play in providing energy to our nation. Joe Manchin rolesenergyplay Intelligence is to provide the facts to us. The facts will usually take you to the truth. And then, when we get the truth, we have got to make the decisions and do what's best for this country. Joe Manchin decisioncountry In West Virginia, the most vulnerable people we have are people who get up every morning and go to work. Joe Manchin virginiamorningpeople I fully expect to be able to complete one more campaign goal - and that is to proudly report that signs have been erected as you enter our great state that say 'Welcome to Wild, Wonderful West Virginia: Open for Business!' Joe Manchin virginiacampaignsgoal Every child should have a caring adult in their lives. And that's not always a biological parent or family member. It may be a friend or neighbor. Often times it is a teacher. Joe Manchin familyteacherchildren I've lost over 800 West Virginians the last year. Lost their lives to opiate and drug addiction. This is something that we've got to fight. We need to have treatment centers that take care of people. We need to start basically education from kindergarten all the way through adulthood. We need to get involved and stop this epidemic that's going on that's just ravaging. Joe Manchin addictionfightingpeople Why would anybody not own a gun? Joe Manchin gun Our workers comp debt is the Achilles heel of our state's economy, and I firmly believe that in order to create more good jobs in West Virginia this system must be fixed and it must be fixed now. We cannot afford to wait even one more minute. Joe Manchin high-heelsjobsbelieve Come to West Virginia and we'll show you how to live... how to treat people. We're open for business. West Virginia is truly on the move. Joe Manchin virginiapeoplemoving I just can't understand why we don't go forward and put more sanctions. Joe Manchin I can assure you that my wife and I - every penny of income we've ever had, our taxes were paid in West Virginia. Joe Manchin virginiaincomewife I don't know anyone in the hunting or sporting arena that goes out with an assault rifle. Joe Manchin arenahuntingrifles If it's concerning immigration, do something on immigration, put your concerns on the President's actions and I'll vote on them. I'm not going to play politics and start playing around with the Homeland Security, there's no pressure that's going to change where I am. Joe Manchin changepresidentplay Russia is not our friend. Joe Manchin I think it's time to rebuild America. Joe Manchin americathinking The work completed during the special session was just the beginning. During those six days we lit a spark that will positively impact the lives of our children and grandchildren, but the full fire is yet to come. Joe Manchin impactfirechildren Economic development is what's going to make mountaintop removal palatable. Joe Manchin economic-developmenteconomicdevelopment We know the Russians did everything they could to be involved in our campaign. We know that what they're doing around the world right now, whether it be in France or other parts of the world. They'll do anything they can to disrupt any type of a freedom, if you will, or a democracy, or an involvement where there's an orderly transfer of power. That's not for them. They're going to do what they can. We have to make sure we stop it. Joe Manchin involvementdemocracyworld Similar Authors Dan Coats united-states-senator Angus King united-states-senator Amy Klobuchar united-states-senator Bob Menendez united-states-senator Bob Corker united-states-senator Bob Casey, Jr. united-states-senatorAll Authors