Juliana Fetherman Browse All Authors Top 8 quotes by Juliana Fetherman He's verbal, but he doesn't like to talk, just making and keeping conversations is something that's really awkward for him, and it's hard for him to initiate that. Juliana Fetherman Autism is such a spectrum, even in special education classes it's hard to match kids with the same abilities, he always felt like he didn't fit in with that class, but he didn't fit in with the typical kids either. That left him alone. Juliana Fetherman Eventually the ultimate goal is to have people meeting up, in order for that to be the most valuable experience, we need a lot of people in small areas so it's a work in progress. Juliana Fetherman Users can report other users if they feel threatened in any way, we've had to do that already, and we had to decide if it warrants a warning or if we will let the user know that they are going to be banned from the app for inappropriate behavior. Juliana Fetherman I know with my family, the whole special needs thing is isolating for all of us, people are just not understanding. Juliana Fetherman When I first started this he didn't have a lot of people like him, now he does work at a place that employs people with autism, so the need for him specifically to make friends has lessened a little. Juliana Fetherman There's an array of disabilities and the point of the app is to find people with the same needs so they can feel less alone, less isolated, and hopefully less depressed. Juliana Fetherman It's very colorful, there are a lot of drop-down menus with big buttons because we wanted it to be accessible. Juliana Fetherman