Above all else, know this: Be prepared at all times for the gifts of God and be ready always for new ones. For God is a thousand times more ready to give than we are to receive Meister Eckhart More Quotes by Meister Eckhart More Quotes From Meister Eckhart Our bodily food is changed into us, but our spiritual food changes us into it. Meister Eckhart spiritual-food changed spiritual A man should orient his will and all his works to God and having only God in view go forward unafraid, not thinking, am I right or am I wrong? One who worked out all the chances before starting his first fight would never fight at all. And if, going to someplace, we must think how to set the front foot down, we shall never get there. It is our duty to do the next thing: go straight on, that is the right way. Meister Eckhart fighting men thinking A man may go into the field and say his prayer and be aware of God, or he may be in Church and be aware of God; but if he is more aware of Him because he is in a quiet place, that is his own deficiency and not due to God, Who is alike present in all things and places, and is willing to give Himself everywhere so far as lies in Him... He knows God rightly who knows Him everywhere. Meister Eckhart prayer men lying Wisdom consists in doing the next think you have to do, doing it with your whole heart, and finding delight in doing it. Meister Eckhart delight heart thinking Do not think that saintliness comes from occupation; it depends rather on what one is. The kind of work we do does not make us holy but we may make it holy. However “sacred” a calling may be, as it is a calling, it has no power to sanctify. Meister Eckhart doe work sleep The outward man is the swinging door; the inner man is the still hinge. Meister Eckhart self doors men To be sure, our mental processes often go wrong, so that we imagine God to have gone away. What should be done then? Do exactly what you would do if you felt most secure. Learn to behave thus even in deepest distress and keep yourself that way in any and every estate of life. I can give you no better advice than to find God where you lost him. Meister Eckhart gone-away faith giving Some people want to see God with their eyes as they see a cow, and to love Him as they love a cow - for the milk and cheese and profit it brings them. This is how it is with people who love God for the sake of outward wealth or inward comfort. They do not rightly love God, when they love Him for their own advantage. Meister Eckhart eye comfort people God is equally near in all creatures. Meister Eckhart creatures Behold how all those people are merchants who shun great sins and would like to be good and do good deeds in God's honour, such as fasts, vigils, prayers, and similar good deeds of all kinds. They do all these things so that our Lord may give them something, or so that God may do something dear to them. All these people are merchants. Meister Eckhart prayer giving people God is at home. We are in the far country. Meister Eckhart home country The seed of God is in us. Given an intelligent and hard-working farmer, it will thrive and grow up to God, whose seed it is; and accordingly its fruits will be God-nature. Pear seeds grow into pear trees, nut seeds into nut trees, and God-seed into God. Meister Eckhart growing-up hard-work god Nature's intent is neither food, nor drink, nor clothing, nor comfort, nor anything else in which God is left out. Whether you like it or not, whether you know it or not, secretly nature seeks, hunts, tries to ferret out the track on which God may be found. Meister Eckhart track nature trying Jesus might have said, I became man for you. If you do not become God for me, you wrong me. Meister Eckhart god inspirational jesus Grace pours all beauty into the soul ... The soul means the world. Meister Eckhart grace beauty mean God is at home, it's we who have gone out for a walk. Meister Eckhart god home funny I will be silent and will hear what God will say in me...If God wishes to speak to me, let him enter. I will not go out. Meister Eckhart silent speak wish Love will never be anywhere except where equality and unity are..... And there can be no love where love does not find equality or is not busy creating equality. Nor is there any pleasure without equality. Practice equality in human society. Learn to love, esteem, consider all people like yourself. What happens to another, be it bad or good, pain or joy, ought to be as if it happened to you. Meister Eckhart creating pain practice When I experience Love I must go to God. When I experience non-attachment God must come to me. Meister Eckhart experience-love attachment love What good is it that Christ was born [2,000] years ago if he is not born now in your heart? Meister Eckhart faith heart years