All my good reading, you might say, was done in the toilet. There are passages in Ulysses which can be read only in the toilet - if one wants to extract the full flavor of their content. Henry Miller More Quotes by Henry Miller More Quotes From Henry Miller To have her here in bed with me, breathing on me, her hair in my mouth—I count that something of a miracle. Henry Miller breathinghairsex Even the idiot may have a message for us Henry Miller idiotmessagesmay When you surrender, the problem ceases to exist. Try to solve it, or conquer it, and you only set up more resistance. . . . The most difficult thing to admit, and to realize with one's whole being, is that you alone control nothing. . . . Henry Miller resistanceproblemtrying We have two American flags always: one for the rich and one for the poor. When the rich fly it means that things are under control; when the poor fly it means danger, revolution, anarchy. Henry Miller societytwomean We live in the mind, in ideas, in fragments. We no longer drink in the wild outer music of the streets - we remember only. Henry Miller musicmindideas Tomorrow you may bring about the destruction of your world. Tomorrow you may sing in Paradise above the smoking ruins of your world-cities. But tonight I would like to think of one man, a lone individual, a man without name or country, a man whom I respect because he has absolutely nothing in common with you - MYSELF. Tonight I shall meditate upon that which I am. Henry Miller mencountrythinking One can be absolutely truthful and sincere even though admittedly the most outrageous liar. Fiction and invention are of the very fabric of life. Henry Miller liarswritinglying What I want is to open up. I want to know what's inside me. I want everybody to open up. I'm like an imbecile with a can opener in his hand, wondering where to begin-- to open up the earth. I know that underneath the mess everything is marvelous. I'm sure of it. Henry Miller earthwanthands To be joyous is to be a madman in a world of sad ghosts. Henry Miller madmenghostworld One has to be a lowbrow, a bit of a murderer, to be a politician, ready and willing to see people sacrificed, slaughtered, for the sake of an idea, whether a good one or a bad one. Henry Miller politicspeopleideas Once I thought that to be human was the highest aim a man could have, but I see now that it was meant to destroy me. To-day I am proud to say that I am inhuman, that I belong not to men and governments, that I have nothing to do with creeds and principles. I have nothing to do with the creaking machinery of humanity - I belong to the earth! Henry Miller principleshumanitymen Everything remains unsettled forever, depend on it Henry Miller remainsdependsforever Music is a beautiful opiate, if you don't take it too seriously. Henry Miller opiatesmusicbeautiful I had a microscopic eye for the blemish, for the grain of ugliness which to me constituted the sole beauty of the object. Henry Miller soleeyegrain People are like lice - they get under your skin and bury themselves there. You scratch and scratch until the blood comes, but you can't get permanently deloused. Henry Miller skinsbloodpeople The man who looks for security, even in the mind, is like a man who would chop off his limbs in order to have artificial ones which will give him no pain or trouble. Henry Miller painchangemen Writing is its own reward. Henry Miller rewardswriting What have we to offer the world beside the superabundant loot which we recklessly plunder from the earth under the maniacal delusion that this insane activity represents progress and enlightenment? Henry Miller enlightenmentprogressinsane It was only in my forties that I started feeling young. Henry Miller youngfeelingsbirthday Hope is a bad thing. It means that you are not what you want to be. It means that part of you is dead, if not all of you. It means that you entertain illusions. It's a sort of spiritual clap, I should say. Henry Miller spiritualhopeinspirational