Be cheerful, if you are wise. Martial More Quotes by Martial More Quotes From Martial You praise, in three hundred verses, Sabellus, the baths of Ponticus, who gives such excellent dinners. You wish to dine, Sabellus, not to bathe. Martial three wish giving However great the dish that holds the turbot, the turbot is still greater than the dish. Martial dishes stills eating One genius has made many clever artists. Martial genius artist clever Genuine is the sorrow endured without anyone else knowing about it. Martial genuine sorrow knowing He who weighs his burdens, can bear them. Martial fortitude burden bears The present joys of life we doubly taste, Martial taste joy past Short is the life of those who possess great accomplishments, and seldom do they reach a good old age. Whatever thou lovest, pray that thou mayest not set too high a value on it. Martial accomplishment praying age Fortune gives many too much, but none enough. Martial too-much enough giving For wealth's now given to none but to the rich. Martial rich wealth given Our days pass by, and are scored against us. Martial Those they praise, but they read the others. Martial praise If pale beans bubble for you in a red earthenware pot, you can often decline the dinners of sumptuous hosts. Martial dinner cooking food The bee is enclosed, and shines preserved in amber, so that it seems enshrined in its own nectar. Martial amber shining bees A jar of wine so priceless did not deserve to die. and Martial leaving wine thinking Laugh, if thou art wise. Martial wise laughing art In adversity it is easy to despise life; he is truly brave who can endure a wretched life. Martial adversity bravery easy He who writes distichs, wishes, I suppose, to please by brevity. But, tell me, of what avail is their brevity, when there is a whose book full of them? Martial wish writing book It is folly to waste labour about trifles. Martial trifles folly waste Hidden evils are most dreaded. Martial evil Glory comes too late when we are nought but ashes. Martial ashes glory too-late