By gum,' said Digory, 'Don't I just wish I was big enough to punch your head! C. S. Lewis More Quotes by C. S. Lewis More Quotes From C. S. Lewis Part of every misery is, so to speak, the misery's shadow or reflection: the fact that you don't merely suffer but have to keep on thinking about the fact that you suffer. I not only live each endless day in grief, but live each day thinking about living each day in grief. C. S. Lewis sadness grief life Whenever you are fed up with life, start writing: ink is the great cure for all human ills, as I have found out long ago. C. S. Lewis long-ago ink writing A silly idea is current that good people do not know what temptation means. This is an obvious lie. Only those who try to resist temptation know how strong it is... A man who gives in to temptation after five minutes simply does not know what it would have been like an hour later. That is why bad people, in one sense, know very little about badness. They have lived a sheltered life by always giving in. C. S. Lewis strong motivational lying You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you. C. S. Lewis truth inspirational believe You can be good for the mere sake of goodness; you cannot be bad for the mere sake of badness. You can do a kind action when you are not feeling kind and when it gives you no pleasure, simply because kindness is right; but no one ever did a cruel action simply because cruelty is wrong - only because cruelty is pleasant or useful to him, In other words, badness cannot succeed even in being bad in the same way in which goodness is good. Goodness is, so to speak, itself: badness is only spoiled goodness. And there must be something good first before it can be spoiled. C. S. Lewis kindness feelings giving We are not merely imperfect creatures who must be improved; we are rebels who must lay down our arms. C. S. Lewis rebel imperfect arms Our problem is not that we desire too much but too little. C. S. Lewis too-much desire littles Faith in Christ is the only thing to save you from despair. C. S. Lewis despair inspirational christ What you see and what you hear depends a great deal on where you are standing. It also depends on what sort of person you are. C. S. Lewis forgiveness inspirational philosophy We never find out the strength of the evil impulse inside us until we try to fight it. C. S. Lewis fighting evil trying No mind is so good that it does not need another mind to counter and equal it, and to save it from conceit and bigotry and folly C. S. Lewis mind doe needs When Christ died, He died for you individually just as much as if you had been the only person in the world. C. S. Lewis inspirational world christ You can't analyze God. He is too awesome, too big, too mysterious. C. S. Lewis mysterious bigs Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing had yet been done. C. S. Lewis faith inspirational life You cannot make men good by law: and without good men you cannot have a good society. C. S. Lewis good-man law men Miracles are a retelling in small letters of the very same story which is written across the whole world in letters too large for some of us to see. C. S. Lewis miracle wisdom inspirational Many things have gone wrong with the world that God made and... God insists, and insists very loudly, on our putting them right again C. S. Lewis gone made world When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in its place. C. S. Lewis blessed blessing inspirational When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in its place [if we anticipate and look for it, rather than wallow in our 'supposed loss'. It can be helpful to think of the loss of that blessing as simply necessary to make way for another different blessing]. C. S. Lewis blessing loss thinking Christianity seems at first to be all about morality, all about duties and rules and guilt and virtue, yet it leads you on, out of all that, into something beyond. One has a glimpse of a country where they do not talk of those things, except perhaps as a joke. Every one there is filled full with what we should call goodness as a mirror is filled with light. But they do not call it goodness. They do not call it anything. They are not thinking of it. They are too busy looking at the source from which it comes. C. S. Lewis mirrors country thinking