Evan stopped completely. He was staring at her with those intense eyes. Staring right into her. Just like he had in those couple of moments when she had thought for a split second, that he wanted to kiss her. Kate Brian More Quotes by Kate Brian More Quotes From Kate Brian No use dwelling on the past. What you do tomorrow and the next day and the day after that is what matters. Kate Brian next-daydwellingpast You can't make people listen to you. People only hear what they want to hear. Kate Brian wantpeople Boys are unpredictable. This maybe not be news, but I'm starting to think it's one of the best things about them. Kate Brian newsboysthinking So let me get this straight," he said. "After everything that's happened on this campus-the murder, the stalking, the kidnapping-you want to go up into the woods-by yourself, in the middle of the night, based on something a ghost in a dream told you-and dig a hole?" Well when he put it that way. Kate Brian dreamwantnight Boys do tell you how they really feel. I think you just have to be in the right place at the right time or maybe be the right person Kate Brian right-timeboysthinking One more thing," Megan said, stopping Doug in his tracks. His shoulders slumped and he turned around. "What? You want my kidney?" "I want in on the next ultimate Frisbee game," Megan said. Doug grinned. "You're playing skins." Megan grinned back. "We'll see about that. Kate Brian trackskinsgames Finally Doug broke the stalemate and looked at Megan. "Thanks a lot," he said sarcastically. Then he yanked off his plastic gloves, tossed them at her feet, and stormed away. Finn let out a sigh as he gazed after his brother. "You know, my parents really should have stopped with me. Kate Brian brothershould-havefeet Megan could have kissed him. If there weren't a million obstacles, both physical and psychological, in her way, of course. Kate Brian obstaclespsychologicalway Observation #8: Boys are icky. Do not even get me started on the state of the bathroom. I'm thinking of calling in a haz-mat team. Seriously. Kate Brian teamboysthinking Boys everywhere. All seven of them plus their dad, running and laughing and shoving each other around on the front lawn, engaged in what appeared to be a full-contact, tackle version of ultimate Frizbee. They were playing shirts and skins. Shirts and might-fine-lookin' skins. Kate Brian dadrunningboys TooDamn-Funky: It's a start, ok. Been thinking bout the boyz. 'member last year my bro did that immersion thing in Venezuela? Kciker5525: Where he learned to speak Spanish??? TooDamn-Funky: Yeah! u go for 2 weeks talk nothing but Spanish u come back fluent. Kicker5535: ...???? TooDamn-Funky: Well this is like a guy immersion program! Kicker5525: So...what. I'm going 2 b fluent in GUY? TooDamn-Funky: Exactly! u will c what they talk about alone. U will c how they r with each other. U will c how they THINK!! AND WHEN IT'S DONE YOU'LL BE ABLE TO WRITE A GUY GUIDE BOOK!! Kicker5525: U r deranged. Kate Brian writingbookthinking Better he learns now that if you mess with people, you might get messed with in return. Kate Brian returnmightpeople All I know is, he found out you left and he locked himself in the shed and barricaded the door. No one's seen him since," Doug said. "When I bolted, Sean and Evan were trying to boost Caleb up onto the roof so he could look through the skylight and make sure the kid wasn't dead or something. Kate Brian doorstryingkids It was easier to ask for forgiveness than permission? Kate Brian asking-permissionasking-for-forgivenesseasier I had a dream this morning too, and you were in it," he said. "I don't remember what it was about, exactly, but when I woke up I looked at the clock and it was exactly six thirty-two." I felt an eerie tingle all down my back and froze with my spoon halfway to my mouth. "Really?" He smirked and popped the cookie into his mouth. "No Kate Brian eeriedreammorning Half delirious, I slipped my hands around Whit's thick neck. The second Idid he got confident.His mouth moved over mine in a rough, unpracticed, awkward back-and-forth motion, so fast it was as if he was trying to create fire with our lips. Kate Brian awkwardfirehands