'Hawkeye' is much more intimate than any of the superhero works I've done before. Jeff Lemire More Quotes by Jeff Lemire More Quotes From Jeff Lemire There's only two ways to be completely alone in this world, lost in a crowd or in total isolation. Jeff Lemire crowds two world Sometimes at night, when I wake up real late, I can hear my dad talking to God. He whispers, but I still hear him. I even hear him crying sometimes, when God says something sad. Jeff Lemire dad real night I have always loved telling stories about families. I love the idea of people who may not choose to be together, but are nonetheless bonded for life and forced to interact and develop these relationships. I love the tension throwing different types of people under one roof creates. Jeff Lemire different together people To me, Green Arrow in the past, what people loved about Oliver Queen pre-New 52 was his relationships with other heroes. Like his friendship with Green Lantern, his animosity with Hawkman, his romance with Black Canary - these are all the things that sort of defined him. Jeff Lemire queen me friendship people I look at my son and his relationship to technology, and I think back to when I was six and how wildly different the world is in that regard. I see him using an iPhone and all this stuff, and then I think back to when I was six. We didn't even have computers in our houses at all yet. This is a huge gap between our experiences as children. Jeff Lemire technology relationship children son There is definitely a thematic lineage between 'Descender' and my previous work, like 'Sweet Tooth' and 'Trillium.' Jeff Lemire like sweet-tooth work sweet I grew up in a pretty religious house. My family was Roman Catholic, and I couldn't wait to get away from that. But that doesn't mean I'm not a spiritual person. Jeff Lemire wait family spiritual house Specifically, in Canada, the First Nations are often overlooked in pop culture or in general, and when things are reported about our First Nations, it's often negative things - about the hardships they face and what-not. Jeff Lemire hardships face culture negative The cool thing about 'Sweet Tooth' is that you can bring influences from the underground and alternative people that I read and also bring in some genre influences, too, from movies and comics. And kind of mash it all up. It's a fun project. Jeff Lemire cool you sweet people 'Animal Man' and 'Swamp Thing' have so many commonalities in tone and mood. Jeff Lemire man tone mood animal When I first seriously decided to become a cartoonist would have been '99/2000, right before 9/11. I've been writing and illustrating stories in the world post-9/11 since then, watching the world change around me. Jeff Lemire me change writing world I would love to learn archery. Unfortunately I'm too busy writing and drawing ten thousand comics a month. Maybe one day! Jeff Lemire day drawing busy love In general, I feel so much of pop culture is set in the generic big city, particularly comics. I feel like there are so many other stories to tell. Jeff Lemire i-feel-like city feel culture I tend to write my beginnings and endings first - as a cartoonist and storyteller, I couldn't sit down every day if I didn't know where the story was headed. Jeff Lemire every-day down story day We want to take our time with 'Descender' and let the story unfold at its own pace. But we have carefully planned each world and worked to give each its own look and feel. And each of the 9 core worlds will play a role in the series. Jeff Lemire feel look time world Sony is looking at 'Descender' as a franchise of films rather than just one movie. Jeff Lemire than looking just just-one I think America's obsession with guns and with violence in media and society is a horrible sickness. Jeff Lemire sickness media society violence I don't enjoy putting my characters through hell unless there's a reason. I don't use violence or anything just for shock value. They're always a means to an end. Jeff Lemire value hell enjoy violence I never - when I go into a project, I don't think too much about if there's a lot of other sci-fi books out there or horror books or whatever. I just tell the stories I want to tell, and I think that is evident on the page. Jeff Lemire never go think want I started in comics in 2005, ten years ago, and at that time, I didn't have a cell phone. I don't even think I had a computer myself, you know. And just in those ten years, how much technology has changed. Jeff Lemire myself you technology time