Here's the thing Washington always misses. Washington always wants a deal. America wants a solution. Americans sent us here to solve problems. Jim Jordan More Quotes by Jim Jordan More Quotes From Jim Jordan Americans can live with the fact that good people sometimes give their lives for this country, but what they can't take, what they can't live with is when their government is not square with them. Jim Jordan government squares country For me, I think being a conservative means you are focused on all four key principles: strong defense, lower taxes, less spending, and defending traditional American values. Jim Jordan strong mean thinking This administration, this agency, the very agency charged with enforcing Obamacare, systematically targeted groups that came into existence because they opposed Obamacare - and they started the targeting the very month, March 2010, that Obamacare came into law - expects us to believe it is the work of two rogue agents in Cincinnati. Jim Jordan agency law believe Someone is going to have to explain to me at some time how raising taxes on job-creators is going to create more jobs. Jim Jordan creator taxes jobs Let's get put in place a better health care system the American people deserve. Jim Jordan health-care care people Never once have Democrats benefited from attempts at reasonableness and compromise and accommodation. To the contrary, Bush and his team seem to view political compromise as weakness, and they punish it rather than reward or reciprocate it. Jim Jordan political team views We got six people having four conversations in one sentence, and you just told me this is where you got your clear understanding ? ... I mean, I've seen church prayer chains that are easier to understand than this, with all due respect ambassador, your clear understanding was obviously wrong. Because it didn't happen. Jim Jordan politics Now, there is one witness that Chairman Schiff won't bring in front of us. Chairman Schiff won't bring in front of the American people. And Chairman Schiff's the guy who started Chairman Schiff all. The whistleblower, only Chairman Schiff knows who Chairman Schiff is. We don't. We will never get the chance -- we will never get the chance to see Chairman Schiff raise his right hand, swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth -- we'll never get that chance. More importantly, the American people will never get that chance. Jim Jordan politics Democrats don't want to call him as the first witness, even though he was the first witness to be deposed. Jim Jordan politics Written answers will not provide a sufficient opportunity to probe all the relevant facts and cross examine The Whistleblower. You don't get to ignite an impeachment effort and never account for your actions and role in orchestrating it, we have serious questions about this individual's political bias and partisan motivations and it seems Mark Zaid and Adam Schiff are attempting to hide these facts from public scrutiny. Last week's testimony raised even more concerns about the anonymous whistleblower and our need to hear from Mark Zaid and Adam Schiff, in person. Jim Jordan top-news The closed-door depositions, Ill still be able to be a part of, but then when they go to the open hearings, its just the Intelligence Committee. Adam Schiff gets 45 minutes under the resolution that passed on Thursday to ask questions. The rest, the members get five minutes. Adam Schiff gets to call the witnesses Adam Schiff wants. But Republicans have to first submit a list to Adam Schiff to get his approval for any witnesses we or the White House might want. So you can try to put a ribbon on a sham process, but that doesnt make it any less of a sham. It doesnt make it any less unfair in any less partisan. In a contentiousHouse Rules Committee meetingthat lasted into the night last week, Democrats systematically rejected GOP attempts to alter theground rules that lawmakers will use as they consider impeachment. The rules were later passed in a sharply divided House vote. Jim Jordan politics I will not answer questions that in any way can get to the substance of these depositions. Jim Jordan politics You really think that Mike Johnson was serious about thinking that China's going to investigate the Hunter Biden family ? I think Mike Johnson's getting -- as I think Mark Rubio said a couple days ago, I think Mark Rubio's getting the press all spun up about this. Remember, this is the president who's been tougher on China than any other president. Jim Jordan top-news The vice president's son gets paid $ 50,000 a month and gets hired by a company in an industry Jim Jordan has no experience in and oh that's fine ? try taking that message to the American people... When they see the vice president's son getting paid $ 50,000 a month in a field, in an industry he has no experience in... And then when the company that's paying that money is under investigation, guess what ? Daddy comes running to the rescue. The vice president of the United States comes running in and says,' Fire that prospector.'. Jim Jordan top-news Was that prosecutor looking into Burisma, the company that had hired Joe Biden's son for $ 50,000 a month ? according to the Ukrainians, that investigation was dormant at the time. Jim Jordan top-news Two things Jake Tapper look at to determine the credibility of a so-called whistleblower when they're coming forward, first, did they have firsthand knowledge ? And second, what is their motivation ? Was there some kind of bias ? This individual has problems on both of those counts. He had no firsthand knowledge, he heard something from someone who may have heard something from someone. Jim Jordan top-news But he has no firsthand knowledge. And second, he has a political bias. That should tell us something about this guy who came forward with this claim, you know as well as I do, that you do not need to have firsthand knowledge to be a whistleblower. Jim Jordan top-news Here are the facts. Jim Jordan top-news Democrats have been trying to impeach the President since the beginning of this Congress, michael Cohens testimony was a bust. John Deans testimony was a waste of time. The Robert Muellers report did not live up to the hype. Jim Jordan politics The key is figuring out: How are you going to use your five minutes in the most effective way, and we're still working on that. Jim Jordan politics