I don't think I have ever tried to create things to encourage people to hurt others, or themselves. Marilyn Manson More Quotes by Marilyn Manson More Quotes From Marilyn Manson The death of one is a tragedy, but death of a million is just a statistic. Marilyn Manson millionspoliticaltragedy Black eyeliner. It’s standard. It’s all you need. It just makes the world a better place. Marilyn Manson blackworldneeds I like to make people think differently than they did before I walked in the room. Marilyn Manson peopleroomsthinking Sometimes I like to get drunk and buy things on the internet, and then I wake up the next day and find 'em on my doorstep, and it's like Christmas. I get excited. Marilyn Manson next-daydrunkwake-up I don't like fun, it upsets me. Marilyn Manson upsetfun Don't ever empty the bucket of mystery. Never let people define what you do. It's not about zigging when you should zag. It's not about doing something unprecedented and unpredictable. It's just about never being a word, or something that is not in the process of transformation... Marilyn Manson bucketstransformationpeople Art is a big question mark. Marilyn Manson markbigsart There are people accusing me that I'm sick, that I'm a danger to morals, western civilization and basically everything under the sun. And they've got these wild stories about me, completely off the wall, completely untrue. They thought them up and it makes you wonder what goes on in their brain, but of course, they don't consider themselves sick. They think they're normal because they don't dress like I do. Marilyn Manson wallcivilizationthinking When you want to die, you at least have a goal. You're aiming for something. It's not a good goal, but at least you want something. And you've got anger and fear, but at least you're feeling something. Marilyn Manson want-somethinggoalfeelings The aspiration to save the world is a morbid phenomenon of today's youth. Marilyn Manson todays-youthmorbidworld People tend to associate anyone who looks and behaves differently with illegal or immoral activity. Marilyn Manson illegalpeoplelooks It happens every millennium. Now more than ever, man threatens to destroy himself with his own technology, and all the ideas contained within Big Brother exist within Little Brother. We're all watching ourselves. We are our own oppressors. This is a time when an idea like God is needed more than ever. For me, I've found that God exists within yourself and what you create. The only thing we've got to look forward to is saving ourselves Marilyn Manson technologybrothermen You can't force someone to see the truth, just like you can't force a blind man to see. Marilyn Manson like-youblindmen Your beautiful don't let anyone tell you different Marilyn Manson your-beautifuldifferentbeautiful When people say 'I want to be like you', I tell them if you want to be like me, then be yourself. Marilyn Manson being-yourselfwantpeople I was never afriad of what was under the bed. I wanted it but never got it. I became it. Marilyn Manson bedwanted I think it's the pain and suffering that drive you to become an artist. The art itself should be the pain, sort of exorcising every demon and making you feel like you're a person that matters. Marilyn Manson painartthinking I don't want to feel like I've matured. That's a stupid word that I never want to use. Marilyn Manson stupidusewant All the drugs in the world won't save us from ourselves. Marilyn Manson drugworld Growing up going to Christian school and the concept that you're born a sinner and you don't really have a choice to change who you are has been hammered into my head and created the entire reason why I made art and made a band and made records called 'Antichrist Superstar.' Marilyn Manson growing-upchristianart