I think for a young journalist, it's better to write for the Web at the moment than it is for print Tina Brown More Quotes by Tina Brown More Quotes From Tina Brown Everyone knows assault is wrong. Tina Brown latest-headlines Give Obama a script he has made his own, and he is the motivational speaker to end all speakers. Tony Robbins cloned with Honest Abe. Tina Brown give end own motivational Who was Amanda Knox? Was she a fresh-faced honor student from Seattle who met anyone's definition of an all-American girl - attractive, athletic, smart, hard-working, adventuresome, in love with languages and travel? Or was her pretty face a mask, a duplicitous cover for a depraved soul? Tina Brown girl soul love travel What America is thirsting for now is a battalion of strong, down-to-earth 'doers' - managers, frontline activists, business and social entrepreneurs engaged in tackling America's manifold problems of unemployment, education, and competitive slouch. Tina Brown problems strong business education What is new is the multiplying reach and volume of the Internet, concentrating the toxicity of destructive emotions and circulating them in the political bloodstream with unparalleled velocity. Tina Brown emotions new internet political Practices such as arranged marriages and restrictions on girls attending school have deep roots, and changing them is a gradual process. Sometimes these problems seem very far away from us here in the United States. But let's remember that even into the 20th century, an American woman could not own property or vote in national elections. Tina Brown woman problems sometimes school Celebrity these days is completely for sale; it's not remotely mysterious. But there's something that remains glamorous and mysterious about royalty. Tina Brown days something royalty mysterious The most frequent thing people said to me about Princess Diana when I was conducting interviews for my biography was that she could create a circle of intimacy in the middle of a crowd. Tina Brown circle me princess people There are a multitude of mothers in the world who have a daughter who is stolen, or who are stolen daughters themselves. Tina Brown who stolen daughter world The digitally native generation has no idea what has been lost to the freedom of intimacy that has no fear of being recorded. Tina Brown generation freedom fear lost Back in his Chicago Senate days, when he was seeking greater black credibility, Obama was happy enough to attend the Reverend Jeremiah Wright's Trinity United Church of Christ. Tina Brown back black church happy Perhaps the most damaging aspect of the Obamacare tech nightmare is how wholly predictable it all was. Anyone who has been involved in building the most rudimentary of web operations knows nothing ever works as it's supposed to. Even awesome Apple, mighty Microsoft, and gargantuan Google miss deadlines. Tina Brown apple nothing google building No one has put in harder training to become a royal bride than the glossy-haired Kate Middleton. Tina Brown bride become royal training 'America' is synonymous with opportunity. Tina Brown synonymous opportunity america Editorial outfits are now advertising agencies. Tina Brown editorial now outfits advertising A trio of reputations lie at the heart of Henry James's 'The Portrait of a Lady.' Tina Brown portrait lie lady heart There is nobody more boring than the undefeated. Tina Brown than nobody more boring Any great, long career has at least one flameout in it. Tina Brown any career great long Even as the whole world tries to hang on to its job, there is also this weird parallel sense - almost a covert longing - that the old corrupt structures on which that job depends needs to be, ought to be, swept away. Tina Brown weird old job world