I thought I was so ugly for so long, and I wasted so much of my life on this dumb notion. Margaret Cho More Quotes by Margaret Cho More Quotes From Margaret Cho I could never make a joke about somebody unless I could say it to their face and they'd laugh. Margaret Cho jokesfaceslaughing I'm not a body shamer. The word fat has been used to hurt me my entire life. Margaret Cho usedbodyhurt There's a lot of guy comics who I think are funny, but I generally am more excited about a special or a show where there are females. Margaret Cho guyspecialthinking I just think women are funnier than men. Margaret Cho menthinking There's lot of social censorship now, especially in this era of ubiquitous social media. Margaret Cho censorshiperasmedia When we're talking about feminism, I get sort of lost in the argument. Because as a woman of color, I don't know where I belong in this argument. Where do I say, 'I would be happy to have less money'? How do you fight for your rights when I'm super-grateful to be here at all? Margaret Cho gratefulfightingrights Now on Facebook I have all these 'friends' who used to bully me, and they're like, 'We're so proud! We love you!' They come to shows and want to take a picture, and they're like, 'Don't you remember us?' And I'm like, 'I'm sorry, I don't.' And I feel bad, but I feel good. Margaret Cho bullysorrylove-you The intention is to make people laugh, to make people happy. It's unselfish, it's in the service of others, and as a comedian you are making yourself vulnerable in order to make others happy. And it has a transformative power. Margaret Cho make-others-happyorderpeople I think comedy is an angry art form; it's an outsider art form. Anger and comedy are really connected. If I'm angry about something I will try to think about something funny about it to lighten the load of the anger and cope with the anger. Margaret Cho tryingartthinking Often something that is in bad taste or considered to be in bad taste is something that's just very true but that people are unwilling to discuss or comment on. Margaret Cho very-truetastepeople I started [performing] so young that it might have just been that I kind of had to grow up and make people understand that I was worth listening to, even though I was a child. Margaret Cho growing-upchildrenpeople Comedy is quite a difficult place for queers and for women. Margaret Cho difficultcomedy Comedy is the only weapon I have to battle totalitarianism. Margaret Cho comedybattleweapons I don't like people telling other people what to do. Sex work for a lot of women is really important, especially in countries where women don't have a lot of power. Here we can have at least some form ... of making money. Margaret Cho countrysexpeople I don't know why it's anyone's business! People do what they need to do. I did it, and it was nowhere near as traumatic as being raped. I was so numb for so long that sex work for me was not a big deal. Margaret Cho longsexpeople I'm a survivor. But I'm also victim, too. Surviving has the connotation that you've been through it, you lived through it and that's wonderful - but a victim is what I was. "Survivor" is the more healing way to look at it. Margaret Cho survivorhealinglooks As a comedian you are making yourself vulnerable in order to make others happy. Margaret Cho make-others-happycomedianorder Comedy is a noble art. And every comedian who does anything is serving a noble purpose. Margaret Cho comediandoeart I don't understand the whole Christian conservativism doesn't make sense to me because I was raised very Christian and its kind of an odd thing but my parents, my family is also very conservative in their own way but I understand the bible and I studied Christianity very well and I don't see where the hatred of gays comes from because it really defeats Christ's purpose. Margaret Cho gayhatredchristian I use my work as catharsis. That's often the best thing that we can do, is to allow ourselves to rage because it's so rare that we get to. We're told to forgive - I don't want to! I don't want to forgive my abuser! I don't care to and I don't like that assumption that forgiveness makes me a better person. It's not authentic to me, my feelings and what I need. But everyone has their own way. Margaret Cho catharsisforgivingfeelings