If I knew that I could die, I would live. My life, my death, my choice. Terry Pratchett More Quotes by Terry Pratchett More Quotes From Terry Pratchett I taught myself more in the library than school taught me. Terry Pratchett librarytaughtschool Everything happens for a reason, except possibly football. Terry Pratchett everything-happens-for-a-reasonthievesfootball There are times when phrases such as 'totally astonished' just don't do the job. I am of course delighted and honoured and, needless to say, flabbergasted. Terry Pratchett coursesphrasesjobs Just erotic. Nothing kinky. It's the difference between using a feather and using a chicken. Terry Pratchett kinkyeroticdifferences Many feel they are called to the priesthood, but what they really hear is an inner voice saying, 'It's indoor work with no heavy lifting, do you want to be a ploughman like your father?' Terry Pratchett voicewantfather A marriage is always made up of two people who are prepared to swear that only the other one snores. Terry Pratchett discworldtwopeople Of course, Ankh-Morpork's citizens had always claimed that the river water was incredibly pure. Any water that had passed through so many kidneys, they reasoned, had to be very pure indeed. Terry Pratchett citizensriverswater I [...] vowed that rather than let Alzheimer's take me, I would take it. I would live my life as ever to the full and die, Âbefore the disease mounted its last Âattack, in my own home, in a chair on the lawn, with a brandy in my hand to wash down whatever modern Âversion of the "Brompton cocktail" some Âhelpful medic could supply. And with ÂThomas Tallis on my iPod, I would shake hands with Death. Terry Pratchett ipodshomelife And so the children of the revolution were faced with the age-old problem: it wasn't that you had the wrong kind of government, which was obvious, but that you had the wrong kind of people. As soon as you saw people as things to be measured, they didn't measure up. Terry Pratchett governmentchildrenpeople The worst thing you can do is nothing. Terry Pratchett changemotivationalpositive And that's when I first learned about evil. It is built in to the very nature of the universe. Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being, I told myself, it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Terry Pratchett painnatureevil The IQ of a mob is the IQ of its dumbest member divided by the number of mobsters. Terry Pratchett mobstermembersnumbers Consider the situation. There you are, forehead like a set of balconies, worrying about the long-term effects of all this new 'fire' stuff on the environment, you're being chased and eaten by most of the planet's large animals, and suddenly tiny versions of one of the worst of them wanders into the cave and starts to purr. Terry Pratchett catanimalfunny I do not in fact use many puns. Certainly there are far fewer than people believe. But I suspect the ones I do occasionally use tend to hang around in people's memories for a while. Terry Pratchett memoriesbelievepeople Most gods throw dice, but Fate plays chess, and you don't find out til too late that he's been playing with two queens all along. Terry Pratchett fatequeensplay Down there - he said - are people who will follow any dragon, worship any god, ignore any inequity. All out of a kind of humdrum, everyday badness. Not the really high, creative loathsomeness of the great sinners, but a sort of mass-produced darkness of the soul. Sin, you might say, without a trace of originality. They accept evil not because they say yes, but because they don't say no. Terry Pratchett dragonsevilpeople Either all days are holy or none are. Terry Pratchett holy Just because things are obvious doesn't mean they're true. Terry Pratchett obviousmean Nothing has to be true forever. Just for long enough, to tell you the truth. Terry Pratchett enoughforeverlong There were no lies here. All fancies fled away. That's what happened in all deserts. It was just you, and what you believed. Terry Pratchett desertfancylying