If thou wilt think evil of thy neighbour, soon shalt thou have him for thy foe. Martin Farquhar Tupper More Quotes by Martin Farquhar Tupper More Quotes From Martin Farquhar Tupper Hope and be happy that all's for the best! Martin Farquhar Tupper hoping-for-the-best hope Take the good with the evil, for ye all are pensioners of God, and none may choose or refuse the cup His wisdom mixeth. Martin Farquhar Tupper cups evil may Anger is a noble infirmity; the generous failing of the just; the one degree that riseth above zeal, asserting the prerogative of virtue. Martin Farquhar Tupper generosity degrees failure Invention is activity of mind, as fire is air in motion; a sharpening of the spiritual sight, to discern hidden aptitudes. Martin Farquhar Tupper fire spiritual sight A spark is a little thing, yet it may kindle the world. Martin Farquhar Tupper may littles world Thou hast seen many sorrows, travel-stained pilgrim of the world, But that which hath vexed thee most, hath been the looking for evil; And though calamities have crossed thee, and misery been heaped on thy head, Yet ills that never happened, have chiefly made thee wretched. Martin Farquhar Tupper sorrow evil life He who does not tire, tires adversity. Martin Farquhar Tupper tire adversity doe Never give up! If adversity presses, Providence wisely has mingled the cup, And the best counsel, in all your distresses, Is the stout watchword of "Never give up." Martin Farquhar Tupper cups adversity giving-up Blunted unto goodness is the heart which anger never stirreth, but that which hatred swelleth, is keen to carve out evil. Martin Farquhar Tupper hate evil heart Error is a hardy plant; it flourishes in every soil. Martin Farquhar Tupper errors humorous mistake It is well to lie fallow for a while. Martin Farquhar Tupper vacancy advice lying A babe in a house is a well-spring of pleasure. Martin Farquhar Tupper house spring baby Hatred is the atmosphere of hell. Martin Farquhar Tupper atmosphere hate hatred Pain adds rest unto pleasure, and teaches the luxury of health. Martin Farquhar Tupper luxury pain add To be accurate, write; to remember, write; to know thine own mind, write. Martin Farquhar Tupper prayer mind writing He who commits a wrong will himself inevitably see the writing on the wall, though the world may not count him guilty. Martin Farquhar Tupper wall writing world A juggler's skill hath been long years alearning. Martin Farquhar Tupper skills practice years Deceit and treachery skulk with hatred, but an honest spirit flieth with anger. Martin Farquhar Tupper deceit hatred spirit One single glance will conquer all descriptions. Martin Farquhar Tupper description conquer vision Yet is beauty the pleasing trickery that cheateth half the world. Martin Farquhar Tupper half beauty world