If we do not appreciate the sensitivity and subtlety of the human heart, how can we appreciate the sensitivity and subtlety of the natural world? Sakyong Mipham More Quotes by Sakyong Mipham More Quotes From Sakyong Mipham Every moment of our life is important. Sakyong Mipham momentsimportantlife-is It is said that if our intention is to help others-even if we are unable to follow it through-we will never have any regret. Regret is a result of trying to make "me" happy. Sakyong Mipham regrethelping-otherstrying Even when we speak of selflessness, the mind goes to "me." We think, "I'm selfless," but everything is selfless. Sakyong Mipham selflessmindthinking Karma moves in two directions. If we act virtuously, the seed we plant will result in happiness. If we act non-virtuously, suffering results. Sakyong Mipham karmaspiritualmoving Being fooled into trying to make things work out for 'me' is called samsara. Sakyong Mipham samsarawork-outtrying When we are using this term 'basic goodness,' we are talking about our inherent completeness. Sakyong Mipham termgoodnesstalking In looking for my mind, I discovered that it seems to be in many different places. Sometimes it is drinking a glass of water, remembering swimming in the summer, feeling the breeze. In this contemplation I observed that the self is more elusive than I thought. Sakyong Mipham swimmingdrinkingsummer If we do not push ourselves enough, we do not grow, but if we push ourselves too much, we regress. What is enough will change, depending on where we are and what we are doing. In that sense, the present moment is always some kind of beginning. Sakyong Mipham too-muchmomentskind The bones and tendons of the mind are mindfulness and awareness. Mindfulness is the mind’s strength, and awareness is its flexibility. Without these abilities, we cannot function. When we drink a glass of water, drive a car, or have a conversation, we are using mindfulness and awareness. Sakyong Mipham carglasseswater If we cut speed and relax with what’s going on in our life right now, kindness and patience will naturally come about. Sakyong Mipham relaxcuttingkindness Each of us holds human destiny in our hands. It will be completely determined by how the mind feels about itself. Sakyong Mipham destinymindhands Your life and your practice should not be separate. You bring your practice into experience. You bring it about. Sakyong Mipham shouldpractice What is amazing is how stuck people are in their own habits. It is really hard to get people out of their habits. But once they shift, it also is amazing how rapid the progress can be. Sakyong Mipham progresshabitpeople Sometimes it seems like most people are being pulled into a negative energy, but then you meet strong individuals or strong leaders and they are free from it. Sakyong Mipham strongleaderpeople You have people who are good at English but don't have the training in Buddhism or Shambhala, or they have the training but are not good in English. Getting that mixture is really rare. Sakyong Mipham trainingbuddhismpeople To shift the direction of our planet, we must now be willing to experiment with the theory that within the speed and stress, we are good. Sakyong Mipham speedstresstheory Changing our decision sets up a bad habit. It reinforces decision-making as an expression of bewilderment and ignorance, instead of wisdom and freedom. Sakyong Mipham ignorancedecisionexpression To protect this earth is to protect the very spirit of life Sakyong Mipham protectearthspirit What is my great wish and intention, is to make a base of compassion and to encourage people to work to shift the energy. Sakyong Mipham compassionwishpeople If you see life as an opportunity, or if you see helping others as an opportunity, then all of a sudden you become joyous. You want to go forward. Sakyong Mipham helping-otherswantopportunity