Immorality is just as bad now as it was in the past. The difference is that now we flaunt it. It used to be done in secret, but now it is done in the open. J. Vernon McGee More Quotes by J. Vernon McGee More Quotes From J. Vernon McGee Let me remind you that this is God's universe, and He is doing things His way. You may think you have a better way, but you don't have a universe to rule. J. Vernon McGee christian god funny The Bible. Know it in your head. Stow it in your heart. Show it in your life. Sow it in the world. J. Vernon McGee shows heart world There are only two kinds of religion in the world...They all say, "Do, do, do." Only Christianity says, "Done." Christ has done it all. J. Vernon McGee done two world What is in the well of the heart will come up through the bucket of the mouth. J. Vernon McGee buckets mouths heart What is your ambition in life today? Is it to get rich? Is it to make a name for yourself? Is it even to do some wonderful thing for God? Listen to me, beloved. The highest desire that can possess any human heart is a longing to see God. J. Vernon McGee ambition names heart When I hear Christians say, "I don't do this, and I don't do that, and I am following a set of rules," I immediately recognize that they know very little about the grace of God. They are trying to live the Christian life in their own strength. But Paul says, "Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus." J. Vernon McGee strong christian jesus The greatest sin today in the church is the man in the pew who is ignorant of the Bible. J. Vernon McGee ignorant christian men As someone has said, we either crucify or crown the Lord Jesus by our lives. J. Vernon McGee our-lives crowns jesus Someday, when in the presence of our Savior, we will thank Him for every burden, every trial, and every heartache. J. Vernon McGee heartache trials christian Don't say that a loving God is going to send you to hell- He's not. The thing that's going to send you to hell is that you're a sinner and you don't want to admit it. J. Vernon McGee hell christian want Today, when people say they cannot believe, it is not a mental problem; it is a matter of the will of the heart- they do not want to believe. Some say they have certain 'mental reservations,' mental hurdles which they cannot get over. My friend, your mind is not big enough to take even one little hurdle. The problem is never in the mind but in the will. There is sin in the life, and a man does not want to turn to God; he does not want to believe Him. J. Vernon McGee christian heart believe If a sinner comes into your assembly or you otherwise come into contact with him, remember that he is a human being for whom Christ died. He stands at the foot of the cross, just as you stand at the foot of the cross. J. Vernon McGee christian feet remember In my opinion, the greatest sin in the church of Jesus Christ in this generation is ignorance of the Word of God. Many times I have heard a church officer say, "Well I don't know much about the Bible, but..." and then he gives his opinion, which often actually contradicts the Word of God! Why doesn't he know much about the Bible? These things were written aforetime for our learning. God wants you to know His Word. J. Vernon McGee ignorance giving jesus Being a square keeps you from going around in circles. J. Vernon McGee going-around-in-circles circles squares There are so many people who want to get together to have a great prayer meeting or other great gatherings. Friend, have you ever tried being alone? That is where God will meet with you. Take the Word of God and go off alone with Him. It will do you a lot of good. J. Vernon McGee prayer christian people If you learn to trust God when the sun is shining, it is easier to trust Him on the day when there are dark and lowering clouds in the sky and you are in one of life's storms. J. Vernon McGee dark sky clouds If you lack wisdom in regard to a problem, you need to go to God in prayer. J. Vernon McGee problem prayer needs I believe in the eternal security of the believer and in the insecurity of the make-believer. J. Vernon McGee insecurity christian believe If there is no deep yearning for a life that is well pleasing to Him, if there is no J. Vernon McGee falling-in-love christian men The great sin of the average Christian is ignorance of the word of God. J. Vernon McGee ignorance christian average