It is just as likely that as I invent what I want to say, you will invent what you want to hear. Jeanette Winterson More Quotes by Jeanette Winterson More Quotes From Jeanette Winterson The universe has no sides, no end, can't be mapped. Enough to make a man talk about God, make a man superstitious and worship an idol. The science never gets as far as the strangeness. Jeanette Winterson idols sides men One of the many, many things I hate about war is how it trivializes the personal. The big themes, the broad sweep, the emergency measures, the national identity, all the things that a particular kind of man with a particular kind of power urge adores, these are the things that become important. War gives the lie to the personal, drowns it in meetings, alarms, sacrifices. The personal is only allowed to return as death. Jeanette Winterson hate war lying Life is so simple when you're just doing your job. Jeanette Winterson simple work jobs Every word written is a net to catch the word that has escaped. Jeanette Winterson written writing How easy it is to destroy the past and how difficult to forget it. Jeanette Winterson easy forget past Passion is for holidays, not homecoming. Jeanette Winterson homecoming holiday passion I have found that I am not a space where people want to live, at least not without decorating first. Jeanette Winterson space want people There are those who say that temptation can be barricaded beyond the door. The ones who think that stray desires can be driven out of the heart like the moneychangers from the temple. Maybe they can, if you patrol your weak points day and night, don't look, don't smell, don't dream. Jeanette Winterson dream heart thinking We didn't build our bridges simply to avoid walking on water. Nothing so obvious. A bridge is a meeting place. A neutral place. A casual place. Enemies will choose to meet on a bridge and end their quarrel in that void... For lovers, a bridge is a possibility, a metaphor of their chances. And for the traffic in whispered goods, where else but a bridge in the night? Jeanette Winterson bridges water night Every second the Universe divides into possibilities and most of those possibilities never happen. It is not a uni-verse -- there is more than one reading. The story won't stop, can't stop, it goes on telling itself, waiting for an intervention that changes what will happen next. Jeanette Winterson next reading waiting Passion is not well bred. Jeanette Winterson wells passion Y'know, Nature's unpredictable -- that's why we had to tame her. Maybe we went too far, but in principle we made the right decision. Jeanette Winterson nature principles decision Language is what stops the heart exploding. Jeanette Winterson exploding language heart How is it that one day life is orderly and you are content, a little cynical perhaps but on the whole just so, and then without warning you find the solid floor is a trapdoor and you are now in another place whose geography is uncertain and whose customs are strange? Jeanette Winterson cynical one-day life The key to happiness ... is tolerance of those who do not do as you do. Jeanette Winterson key-to-happiness tolerance keys Life cannot be calculated. That's the big mistake our civilization made. We never accepted that randomness is not a mistake in the equation -- it is part of the equation. Jeanette Winterson mistake civilization life What a strange world it is where you can have as much sex as you like but love is taboo. I'm talking about the real thing, the grand passion, which may not allow affection or convenience or happiness. The truth is that love smashes into your life like an ice floe, and even if your heart is built like the Titanic you go down. That's the size of it, the immensity of it. It's not proper, it's not clean, it's not containable. Jeanette Winterson real love sex Love is an experiment ... what happens next is always surprising. Jeanette Winterson next surprising love Love ... Just Nature's way of getting one person to pay the bills for another person. Jeanette Winterson bills pay love Marriage is the flimsiest weapon against desire. You may as well take a pop-gun to a python. Jeanette Winterson marriage python gun