It is sure to be dark if you shut your eyes. Martin Farquhar Tupper More Quotes by Martin Farquhar Tupper More Quotes From Martin Farquhar Tupper There is a limit to enjoyment, though the sources of wealth be boundlessAnd the choicest pleasures of life lie within the ring of moderation. Martin Farquhar Tupper wealth limits lying If the mind is wearied by study, or the body worn with sickness, It is well to lie fallow for a while, in the vacancy of sheer amusement; But when thou prosprest in health, and thine intellect can soar untired, To seek uninstructive pleasure is to slumber on the couch of indolence. Martin Farquhar Tupper vacancy mind lying Who can wrestle against Sleep? - Yet is that giant very gentleness. Martin Farquhar Tupper gentleness giants sleep The seeds of first instructions are dropp'd into the deepest furrows. Martin Farquhar Tupper seeds instruction firsts It is the cringer to his equal that is chiefly seen bold to his God. Martin Farquhar Tupper equal humility The most wretched have yet hope. Martin Farquhar Tupper wretched hope Praise a fool, and slay him; for the canvas of his vanity is spread; His bark is shallow in the water, and a sudden gust shall sink it: Praise a wise man, and speed him on his way; for he carrieth the ballast of humility, And is glad when his course is cheered by the sympathy of brethren ashore. Martin Farquhar Tupper humility wise men Policy counselleth a gift, given wisely and in season; Martin Farquhar Tupper policy given influence Lay not the plummet to the line; religion hath no landmarks; no human keenness can discern the subtle shades of faith. Martin Farquhar Tupper shade lines faith A man looketh on his little one as a being of better hope; in himself ambition is dead, but it bath a resurrection in his son. Martin Farquhar Tupper ambition children son The mines of knowledge are often laid bare by the hazel-wand of chance. Martin Farquhar Tupper wands mines chance Knowledge is leagued with the universe, and findeth a friend in all things; but ignorance is everywhere a stranger, unwelcome; ill at ease and out of place. Martin Farquhar Tupper stranger ignorance ease There is not unmitigated ill in the sharpest of this world's sorrows; I touch not the sore of thy guilt; but of human griefs I counsel thee, Cast off the weakness of regret, and gird thee to redeem thy loss: Thou has gained, in the furnace of affliction, self-knowledge, patience and humility, And these be as precious ore, that waiteth the skill of the coiner: Despise not the blessings of adversity, nor the gain thou hast earned so hardly, And now thou hast drained the bitter, take heed that thou lose not the sweet. Martin Farquhar Tupper regret grief sweet Thought paceth like a hoary sage, but imagination hath wings as an eagle. Martin Farquhar Tupper eagles imagination wings Who shall guess what I may be?Who can tell my fortune to me?For, bravest and brightest that ever was sungMay be - and shall be - the lot of the young! Martin Farquhar Tupper young fortune may For life, good youth, hath never an illWhich hope cannot scatter, and faith cannot kill;And stubborn realities never shall bindThe free-spreading wings of a cheerful mind. Martin Farquhar Tupper good-life wings reality Never give up! it is wiser and betterAlways to hope, than once to despair.Fling off the load of Doubt's cankering fetter,And break the dark spell of tyrannical care. Martin Farquhar Tupper giving-up doubt dark A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever. Martin Farquhar Tupper reading friendship book Prayer is the slender nerve that moves the muscle of omnipotence. Martin Farquhar Tupper nerve moves muscle prayer