It’s my birthday, Horus insisted. Wish me happy birthday! “Happy birthday!” I yelled. “Now shut up! Rick Riordan More Quotes by Rick Riordan More Quotes From Rick Riordan I’d been to the British museum before. In fact I’ve been in more museums than I like to admit—it makes me sound like a total geek. [That’s Sadie in the background, yelling I am a total geek. Thanks, Sis.] Rick Riordan yelling sound museums Happy Birthday!' I yelled, 'Now, shut up! Rick Riordan horus shut-up my sword reappeared in my pocket. yeah,great i could attack the walls all i cell had no bar,no window,not even a door Rick Riordan wall cells doors Running with a drowsy child of Hades was more like doing a 3 -legged race with a life size rag doll. Rick Riordan race running children I guessed his name was Face of Horror. I wondered how long it had taken his mom to think of that. Bob? No. Sam? No. How about Face of Horror? Rick Riordan mom taken thinking I've got this." Apollo stepped forward. His fiery armor was so bright it was hard to look at, and his matching Ray-Bans and perfect smile made him look like a male model for battle gear. "God of medicine, at your service. Rick Riordan medicine battle perfect This is the Wilderness School. 'Where the Kids are animals Rick Riordan animal kids school Butch hesitated. "Annabeth's okay. You gotta cut her some slack. She had a vision telling her to come here, to find a guy with one shoe. That was supposed to be the answer to her problem." "What Problem?" Piper asked. "She's been looking for one of our campers, who's been missing three days," Butch said. "She's going out of her mind with worry. She hoped he'd be here." "Who?" Jason asked. "Her boyfriend," Butch said, "A guy named Percy Jackson. Rick Riordan shoes cutting worry With my sister perched on my arm, I walked to the elevator. A business man with a rolling suitcase was waiting by the doors. His eyes widened as he saw me. I must’ve looked pretty strange—a tall black kid in dirty, ragged Egyptian clothes, with a weird box tucked under one arm and a bird of prey perched on the other. “How’s it going?” I said. “I’ll take the stairs.” He hurried off. Rick Riordan eye kids dirty Never bet against a cat. Rick Riordan cat I held out my dad’s magic box and let it o, sure it would smash to the floor. Instead, the box disappeared. “Cool,” I said. “Sure you I can get it back?” “No,” Bast said. “Now come on! Rick Riordan boxes magic dad Hey, moose!” I screamed. The Set animal locked its glowing eyes one me. Well done! Horus said. Now we’ll both die with honor! Shut up, I thought. Rick Riordan glowing eye animal The Set animal’s jaws were pried open so fast that it yelped and let go of my arm. I stood, now encased in a magical barrier twice my normal size, and kicked Leroy into a wall. Good! said Horus. Now dispatch the beast to the netherworld! Quiet man. I’m doing all the work. Rick Riordan wall letting-go animal Apparently, word of the chicken man incident hadn’t spread quite yet. Rick Riordan incidents chickens men You put the Set animal in your locker? Do you know how much strength that requires?” “Yeah,” I said. “I was there. Rick Riordan lockers yeah animal One the next corner stood a cinder block restaurant with a hand-painted sign that read CHICKEN & WAFFLES. There was a queue of twenty people outside. “You Americans have the strangest taste. What planet is this? Rick Riordan block hands people On a basketball court, five players were in the middle of an intense game. They wore assortment of jerseys from different American teams, and they all seemed keen to win—grunting and snarling at each other, stealing the ball and pushing. Oh…and the players were all baboons. Rick Riordan team basketball winning You wrote this right?” he said. “It tells how to defeat Set.” Thoth unfolded the papyrus pages. “Oh, dear. I hate reading my old work. Look at this sentence. I’d never write it that way now.” He patted his lab coat pockets. “Red pen—does anyone have one?” Isis chafed against my willpower, insisting that we blast some sense into Thoth. One fireball, she pleaded. Just one enormous magical fireball? I couldn’t say I was tempted, but I kept her under control. “Since when does drool make you powerful? Rick Riordan powerful hate reading Maybe being home schooled, Carter didn’t realize that “test” is normally a bad thing. Rick Riordan realizing tests home This is Graceland. Home of the most famous musician in the world.” “Michael Jackson lived here?” “No, dummy,” Carter said. “Elvis Presley. Rick Riordan musician home world