Life is about challenges and how we face up to them and the attitude we take into every day life so hopefully we'll be able to motivate people to do more with their life. Martina Navratilova More Quotes by Martina Navratilova More Quotes From Martina Navratilova Whoever said, 'It's not whether you win or lose that counts,' probably lost. Martina Navratilova inspirationalsportsfunny Once you start believing in yourself, anything is possible. Once you start believing in yourself, your dreams take shape. The more you believe, the more you achieve. Martina Navratilova shapesdreambelieve Labels are for filing. Labels are for clothing. Labels are not for people. Martina Navratilova lgbt-prideinspirationalpeople Disability is a matter of perception. If you can do just one thing well, you're needed by someone. Martina Navratilova autismperceptionneeds The mark of great sportsmen is not how good they are at their best, but how good they are their worst. Martina Navratilova greatnessfootballsports The difference between involvement and commitment is like ham and eggs. The chicken is involved; the pig is committed. Martina Navratilova pigsinspirationalcommitment The moment of victory is much too short to live for that and nothing else. Martina Navratilova businessinspirationalsports If it feels right in your gut, this is who you are, this is what you do, this is what you feel, then don't hide that. You just stick to it and the world will catch up. Martina Navratilova feels-rightsticksworld Concentration is born on the practice court... you must mentally treat your practice sessions as matches, concentrating on every ball you hit. Martina Navratilova practicemotivationalsports The better I get, the more I realize how much better I can get. Martina Navratilova realizingi-can The tennis ball doesn't know how old I am. The ball doesn't know if I'm a man or a woman or if I come from a communist country or not. Sport has always broken down these barriers. Martina Navratilova sportsmencountry I think the key is for women not to set any limits. Martina Navratilova strong-womenrunninginspirational People who are rich want to be richer, but what's the difference? The toys get different, that's all. The rich guys buy a football team, the poor guys buy a football. It's all relative. Martina Navratilova differencesteamfootball Once you start believing in yourself, anything is possible. Martina Navratilova anything-is-possiblebelieve-in-yourselfbelieve What matters isn't how well you play when you're playing well. What matters is how well you play when you're playing badly. Martina Navratilova what-mattersplaysports I haven't bought any leather articles for a very long time. My ideal is to be able to avoid all animal products, in food as well as clothing. Martina Navratilova ableanimallong Variety is what I would recommend: As variety is the spice of life in food, so it is in exercise. Change it up. But most of all, don't overdo it. Martina Navratilova variety-is-the-spice-of-lifespicesexercise The whole idea of image is so confused. On the one hand, Madison Avenue is worried about the image of the players in a tennis tour. On the other hand, sports events are often sponsored by the makers of junk food, beer, and cigarettes. What's the message when an athlete who works at keeping her body fit is sponsored by a sugar-filled snack that does more harm than good? Martina Navratilova confusedathletesports Lady' is an opinion; 'woman' is a fact. Martina Navratilova opinionfacts Just go out there and do what you've got to do. Martina Navratilova runninginspiringinspirational