Many of us are like Lotus flower that grows in the mud, and yet rises above the murkier muddy waters as an astoundingly beautiful flower, opening her petals one by one. The mud of adversities, challenges and obstacles don't stop her growth, but probably offer the nourishment and strength to rise above that mud. I often think that it's the strong desire, tenacity and perseverance of Lotus flower that must make her so unique in accomplishing way above and beyond the norms; because not everything that grows in the mud turns into an elegant Lotus flower. We must strive to build the same mental strength, perseverance and passion within - so as to grow above the mud of compelling circumstances, hardships, social rejections, and discriminations that we often experience in real world. Then only we will be able to transform into the eloquent Lotus flowers, gently opening our soft splendid petals one by one to make our world most beautiful.

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