Modern life is full of challenges, such as daily demands, deadlines, hassles and frustrations. Whenever the threat of any challenge outweighs one's perception of her/his ability to manage that threat, it can be an onset of Stress. I find it interesting that William Shakespear had offered a perfect strategy to manage the Stress - in his famous play "Hamlet". In this play, Hamlet makes a powerful statement: "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." In this one sentence, Shakespear teaches us that if we change our thoughts about a potentially threatening situation, we should be able to not only cope with the stress, but also lower our stress significantly. By now it's a well-established fact in Psychology that thinking positively, and transforming the threat into a potntial opportunity, empowers us to protect ourselves from the harmful side-effects of Stress.....and William Shakespear knew this fact more than 400 years ago. That's amazing!

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