My mother was born in San Juan. So I'm Puerto Rican, Jewish, colored and married to a white woman. When I move into a neighborhood, people start running four ways at the same time. Sammy Davis, Jr. More Quotes by Sammy Davis, Jr. More Quotes From Sammy Davis, Jr. You have to be able to look back at your life and say, "Yeah, that was fun." Sammy Davis, Jr. able fun looks You always have two choices: your commitment versus your fear. Sammy Davis, Jr. humor two commitment Wishing, hoping and regretting are the most common and dangerous tactics for evading the present. Sammy Davis, Jr. tactics regret wish What have I got? No looks, no money, no education. Just talent. Sammy Davis, Jr. music money education If you want to be the best, baby, you've got to work harder than anybody else. Sammy Davis, Jr. hard-work want baby Talk about handicap - I'm a one-eyed Negro Jew. Sammy Davis, Jr. handicaps jew Real success is not on the stage, but off the stage as a human being, and how you get along with your fellow man. Sammy Davis, Jr. congratulations real success Alcohol gives you infinite patience for stupidity. Sammy Davis, Jr. funny-sarcastic drinking patience If you want to get known as a singer you hire five sexy chicks and let them fight over you onstage and for the cameras. That's publicity, man. Sammy Davis, Jr. sexy fighting men Savor the moments that are warm and special and giggly. Sammy Davis, Jr. moments special friendship My talent was the weapon, the power, the way for me to fight. It was the one way I might hope to affect a man's thinking. Sammy Davis, Jr. fighting men thinking The ultimate mystery is one's own self. Sammy Davis, Jr. self-respect mystery self-esteem Reality is never as bad as a nightmare, as the mental tortures we inflict on ourselves. Sammy Davis, Jr. mental-health nightmare reality My handicap? Man, I am a one-eyed, black Jew! That's my handicap! Sammy Davis, Jr. handicaps black men After I decided to become a Jew, only then did I learn that the Jews don't have all the money. When I found out Rockefeller and Ford were goyim, I almost resigned. Sammy Davis, Jr. goyim jew found You name it and I've done it. I'd like to say I did it my way. But that line, I'm afraid, belongs to someone else. Sammy Davis, Jr. acting done names The success of the Rat Pack or the Clan was due to the camaraderie, the three guys who work together and kid each other and love each other. Sammy Davis, Jr. guy working-together kids Being a star has made it possible for me to get insulted in places where the average Negro could never hope to get insulted. Sammy Davis, Jr. entertainment stars average Imitations only better the original. Sammy Davis, Jr. originality imitation originals On a scale of one to ten, I would rate Elvis eleven. Sammy Davis, Jr. eleven rate scales