Never discuss Scientology with the critic. Just discuss his or her crimes, known and unknown. L. Ron Hubbard More Quotes by L. Ron Hubbard More Quotes From L. Ron Hubbard Who said the road doesn’t have bumps? It can still be traveled. So people can fall down: it doesn’t mean they can’t get up again and keep going. L. Ron Hubbard mean people fall The way out is the way through. L. Ron Hubbard determinism way A civilization is as great as its dreams, and its dreams are dreamt by artists. L. Ron Hubbard artist dream civilization Maintain silence in the presence of birth to save both the sanity of the mother and the child and safeguard the home to which they will go. L. Ron Hubbard mother baby children Self-confidenc e alone is security. Your ability is your security. There is no security but you. L. Ron Hubbard security ability self It requires real strength to love Man. And to love him despite all invitations to do otherwise, all provocations and all reasons why one should not. L. Ron Hubbard real reason-why men The end and goal of any society as it addresses the problem of education is to raise the ability, the initiative and the cultural level, and with all these the survival level of that society. L. Ron Hubbard levels survival goal Any information is valuable to the degree that you can use it. L. Ron Hubbard degrees information use The only time anyone has ever gotten into serious trouble was when he decided he could do nothing about something. L. Ron Hubbard serious trouble work How does life become totally painful By total retreat. Total noninspection becomes total pain.But existence is basically composed of a very few truths onto which have hung a great many artificialities and which man has adorned with enormous numbers of lies. And man is prisoner of his own shadows. Now one of the things you can do with man is to get him to look up and find out that he can look through the shadows and look at the shadows and find out what they are. L. Ron Hubbard pain men lying There were very, very large sums of money that I made when I was very young - 15 million published works and a great many successful movies don't make nothin'. L. Ron Hubbard great-men successful made What are your goals? Where are you going? Why are you here? What are you? Scientology has answers to these questions, good answers that are true, answers that work for you. For the subject matter of Scientology is you. L. Ron Hubbard goal matter answers All great cathedrals began their building by the placement of a single stone. The building unit of a great society is the individual. L. Ron Hubbard individual building stones Security is not a static thing. Security would only lie in a man's confidence in reaching his goals and, indeed, in his having goals to reach. L. Ron Hubbard goal men lying I am a writer of the textbooks of scientology. L. Ron Hubbard scientology textbooks That which a person works hardest on, he winds up having. That's one of the fundamentals of this universe. L. Ron Hubbard hard-work energy wind Advanced Courses [in Scientology] are the most valuable service on the planet. Life insurance, houses, cars, stocks, bonds, college savings, all are transitory and impermanent... There is nothing to compare with Advanced Courses. They are infinitely valuable and transcend time itself. L. Ron Hubbard car college house Dianetics is a milestone for man comparable to his discovery of fire and superior to his invention of the wheel and the arch. L. Ron Hubbard fire discovery men Now, there is something else interesting here, is this thing called self-determinism and pan-determinism. We have found that there is something stands as a barrier between the ability of a person to be self-determined and the condition he is in, and that is willingness to be controlled. As long as a person will resist control, then everything that comes along which threatens to control him can do so; and thus you have aberration. And until he has a total tolerance of control, he cannot be self-determined or pan-determined. L. Ron Hubbard self long interesting We're not playing some minor game in Scientology. It isn't cute or something to do for lack of something better. The whole agonized future of this planet, every Man, Woman and Child on it, and your own destiny for the next endless trillions of years depend on what you do here and now with and in Scientology. L. Ron Hubbard destiny cute children