Science and education, when devoid of a social conscience or environmental and human concern, are meaningless. Jacque Fresco More Quotes by Jacque Fresco More Quotes From Jacque Fresco In our search for more, we have blinded ourselves to our personal responsibility for challenging these absurdities. A resource-based society considers us all equal shareholders of Earth. We are responsible both for the planet and for our relationship with each other. Jacque Fresco responsibility earth challenges As long as superstition and ignorance prevail, humanity will fall short of eradicating war, poverty, and hunger. Jacque Fresco ignorance war fall We can work out anything if we put our mind to it, study it, do hard work instead of finding simple answers Jacque Fresco work-out hard-work simple War, poverty, corruption, hunger, misery, human suffering will not change in a monetary system. That is, there will be very little significant change. It’s going to take the redesign of our culture and values. Jacque Fresco significant-change suffering war Notions of Good and Evil depend entirely on social context. It is not that people are good or bad, they are raised in an aberrant or twisted environment. Jacque Fresco environment evil people The entire money structure and materialistic society is a false society. Jacque Fresco materialistic structure There are no negro problems, or Polish problems, or Jewish problems, or Greek problems, or women's problems, there are HUMAN PROBLEMS”. Jacque Fresco polish problem greek If you're shipwrecked on an island with 10 million dollars and your wife has gold and diamonds, but there's no water, no arable land, no fish, you have nothing. Money is a 'nothing' thing. Jacque Fresco wife islands water Today we have access to highly advanced technologies. But our social and economic system has not kept up with our technological capabilities that could easily create a world of abundance, free of servitude and debt. Jacque Fresco debt technology today Very few people can communicate with one another. The only language that's not subject to interpretation is mathematics, chemistry, basic science, engineering principles, and applied agriculture. But other than that, many systems today are subject to interpretation. Jacque Fresco engineering agriculture people I don't believe in Gods and devils. I think it's man-made stories to try and help people understand where all this came from. They said 'Where did the world come from if there's no God', 'Where did life come from'. Just say 'I don't know'. Don't say some guy made a man and a woman. You have no business doing that, you know what I mean? And then He got mad and flooded the whole world; told Noah to build an arc. These are terrible stories. Jacque Fresco business mean believe When you live in a false society, that bases its wealth upon money, then that society itself will collapse eventually. Not because I say so, because it's not based on physical reference. Jacque Fresco collapse bases wealth What will drive people if they don't have money or reward? The reward is the end of war, the end of poverty, most crime, and the end of begging for medical care. Everyone will be cared for and educated. There will be no taxation, and no advantage group. No technical elitism, or any other kind of elitism. If that isn't incentive enough, then I don't know what is. Jacque Fresco groups war people We will never know what anyone is really like, until everyone has economic security and doesn't have to answer to anyone else. Jacque Fresco economic security answers If you took the profit out of war, there would be no war. What the hell do you think war is? You think we go to another country to bring democracy? We go there 'cause there's oil, resources or something we need. Jacque Fresco war country thinking You really don't want a job. What you want is access to those things you'd like to have. Jacque Fresco what-you-want want jobs Earth is abundant with plentiful resources. Our practice of rationing resources through monetary control is no longer relevant and is counter-productive to our survival. Jacque Fresco survival earth practice Perhaps the most significant thing a person can know about himself is to understand his own system of values. Almost every thing we do is a reflection of our own personal value system. What do we mean by values? Our values are what we want out of life. No one is born with a set of values. Except for our basic physiological needs such as air, water, and food, most of our values are acquired after birth. Jacque Fresco reflection air mean In the future, in a saner system, we would design products not to wear out and break down; to last as long as possible, so that the responsibility of the service sector would not be overloaded. Jacque Fresco design responsibility long There is no such thing as beauty. If your culture says, 'This is a beautiful girl,' that's within the framework of your culture. If you're brought up in an island where people have pointed heads, that would be 'beautiful' in your terms. All these mythological structures is what gets us into trouble; the artificiality of our values that get us into trouble. Jacque Fresco girl islands beautiful