Science and education, when devoid of a social conscience or environmental and human concern, are meaningless. Jacque Fresco More Quotes by Jacque Fresco More Quotes From Jacque Fresco People say that the monetary system produces incentive. This may be true in limited areas, but it also produces greed, embezzlement, corruption, pollution, jealousy, anger, crime, war, poverty, tremendous scarcity, and unnecessary human suffering. You have to look at the entire picture. Jacque Fresco jealousy anger war Take off all the masks, manners, fancy clothes, all the devices you use, and be the most honest person you can be with yourself. Then, whatever love you get then is real. All the false approaches, like trying to be a player, only bring false results. Jacque Fresco real player love-you It’s your own expectations that hurt you. Not the world you live in. Whatever happens in the world is real. What you think should happen is unreal. So people are hurt by their expectations. You know , you’re not disappointed by the world, you are disappointed by your own projections. Jacque Fresco disappointment hurt life We must look at alternatives objectively, and not try to fit the future into our present social mould. Jacque Fresco alternatives trying looks Everything that you've learned: 'Make a lot of money, have a nice house'. But they never teach you at school how to relate, how to communicate with others, how to share values with others. ...They teach you how to make a living. You become an optometrist, he becomes a physicist, she becomes a structural engineer, he's an architect. In the future, none of that. Everybody is trained to be a generalist, so they understand different cultures, different values, how we get to be the way we are. So no-one can ever use you for war or killing anybody or hurting anybody Jacque Fresco nice hurt war Capitalism, Socialism, Fascism, Communism, the Free-Market .... What good are these approaches for? These attempts are made by men who are cerebral insufficient. I'm trying to give you back your brain, which they took away from you in schools and in your upbringing. I'm trying to show you how the world works. So if you want a better world, you have to get up off your ass and make it better Jacque Fresco stupid-people men school Crime is based upon need, making money. People sell drugs to make money. But if everybody is cared for, they don't sell drugs and if there's no money you can't sell drugs even if you wanted to. There'd be no such thing as gambling, prostitution, or selling out, or paying off a senator or a governor. There are no senators, there are no governors so you can't pay them off. If you take away the basis or the condition that generate abhorrent behavior, you don't have abhorrent behavior. Jacque Fresco gambling money caring You don't need to get rid of religion; you have to outgrow the need for it. In other words, instead of hoping for the good life, you make the good life. Jacque Fresco good-life atheist hope I didn't want to teach my kid how to read, so I used to read to him at night and close the book at the most interesting part. He said, “What happened then, daddy?” I said, “If you learn to read, you can find out. I'm too tired to read. I'll read to you tomorrow.” So, he had a need to want to learn how to read. Don't teach children how to read. Don't teach them mathematics. Give them a reason to want it. In school, they're working ass-backwards. Jacque Fresco reading motivational children If you make people uniform, you can control them. If you teach people to read, and think, and question things, you lose control. So, the best idea is to separate people if you wish to maintain a monetary system. It's called divide and conquer. By dividing people, they're not a threat, you can control them. Jacque Fresco reading ideas thinking Opinions are very dangerous, because they aren't based on scientific studies. Jacque Fresco opinion study science If you had a free society you couldn't get people to go to war, if you had an intelligent type of upbringing in ones children. They would say; There must be many other ways of solving problems other then killing people. Jacque Fresco intelligent war children So your having trouble with your partner. Well ask yourself, if you were in a relationship with a replica of yourself how long would it last? Jacque Fresco lasts trouble long Armies are created to protect an established system, not people. In the future, an educated humanity will not stand for war. Jacque Fresco army war people It is not that people are evil or greedy. The conditions that socially support the system force us to behave in socially offensive ways. Jacque Fresco support evil people Self-centeredness will bring on the destruction of our world. National pride separates people. All people need the same thing. When you really get down to it, you'll find that all people need good food, clean water, clean air, and a decent environment, meaning education as to how to relate to one another and to avoid conflict, how to accept the differences where different people draw different conclusions. Jacque Fresco pride education food We accept, without sufficient consideration, a system that breeds inefficiencies and actually encourages the creation of shortages. Jacque Fresco consideration creation accepting Merely complaining without proposing an alternative offers nothing. Jacque Fresco offers alternatives complaining I have no notions of a perfect society, I don’t know what that means. I know we can do much better than what we’ve got, I’m no utopian, I’m not a humanist that would like to see everybody living in warmth and harmony: I know that if we don’t live that way, we’ll kill each other and destroy the Earth. Jacque Fresco earth perfect mean In a monetary system, most of us live near our work with a house, car, and lifestyle we can afford (or, all too often, cannot afford), rather than the one we prefer. We are only as free as our purchasing power permits. Even many wealthy people today select a residence mainly to impress others with their status. Lacking a true sense of self worth, many live to impress others. Jacque Fresco car self-worth people