Surrender is a powerful force. P. C. Cast More Quotes by P. C. Cast More Quotes From P. C. Cast I would tell you that you looked really hot today when I saw you naked, but that probably wouldn't be appropriate, being as we're in bed together but not doing anything. P. C. Cast bedtogetherhot You know how it feels right before a tornado hits? I mean when the sky's still clear, but the wind's starting to cool off and change direction. You know something's coming, but you don't always know what. That's how things feel to me right now." -Zoey Redbird P. C. Cast skywindmean He's waiting for yu, young queen.' Shocked, I stared at Seoras. 'Heath?' The Warrior's look was wise and understanding - his voice gentle. 'Aye, yur Heath probably does await you somewhere in the future, but it is of your Guardian I speak. P. C. Cast warriorqueenswise We're so special, when you look in the dictionary under short bus, there's a group picture of us,'' Stevie Rae said, sounding weak but definately alive. P. C. Cast groupsspeciallooks I know dead. I've been there, done that and got the freakin' T-shirt. P. C. Cast shirtst-shirtdone I am not a bat. ~Rephaim P. C. Cast bats I'm here because she's here, and she belongs to me. ~Rephaim P. C. Cast house-of-night I'm her protection! I don't care if it's in this world or the next. Just show me how to get where she is, and I'll be there for her. ~Stark P. C. Cast nextcareworld Something must be wrong with me to stop a good girl-on-girl fight P. C. Cast good-girlgirlfighting Im not letting my best freind die. been there done that. i got that freakin tshirt P. C. Cast been-there-done-thatdiesdone When day begins to break I count my blessings, good and bad, Being wakeful for your sake, Remembering the covenant we've always had, What eagle look your face still shows, While up from my heart's root So great a sweetness flows I shake from head to foot. P. C. Cast eaglesblessingheart Shadows in shadows He watches through dreams Wings black as Africa Body strong as stone Done waiting The ravens call. P. C. Cast strongdreamwings I'm always going to keep your heart safe, even if mine has to stop beating for that to happen. P. C. Cast minessafeheart Hades was the personification of dark and dangerous--a living, breathing Batman. P. C. Cast hadesbreathingdark No, Zoey." Heat sounded pissed. It's not okay here. Not for you." Well, maybe that's 'cause I'm not dead. Yet. P. C. Cast heatokaycauses No, Kramisha, he's not black. He's a killer bird with evil for his Daddy. P. C. Cast daddyevilbird Not that the path was smooth and pothole free. But still, it was my path, and like me, it was bound to be unique." -Zoey P. C. Cast smoothuniquepath I'm gay. I know things. P. C. Cast gayknows Plus, according to my mother, memories change like people do, especially if there's enough alcohol involved-Aphrodite P. C. Cast mothermemoriespeople I've married a friggin horse. And he bites. P. C. Cast marriedhorsebites