The acceptance that all that is solid has melted into the air, that reality and morality are not givens but imperfect human constructs, is the point from which fiction begins. Salman Rushdie More Quotes by Salman Rushdie More Quotes From Salman Rushdie As though she had entered a fable, as though she were no more than words crawling along a dry page, or as though she were becoming that page itself, that surface on which her story would be written and across which there blew a hot and merciless wind, turning her body to papyrus, her skin to parchment, her soul to paper. Salman Rushdie skinssoulwind It's a terrible thing that your life turns into a good story. Salman Rushdie turnsterriblestories I think the veil is a way of taking power away from women. Salman Rushdie veilswaythinking I think that England made a very big, historical mistake to allow itself to become the kind of terrorist capital of the world. Salman Rushdie historicalmistakethinking But I - and I just think it's very - one of the problems of defending the extraordinary principle of freedom of speech is that you have to defend freedom of speech for people like that too. Salman Rushdie freedom-of-speechpeoplethinking The USA approach looks like bullying because it is. Salman Rushdie bullyingusairaq No story comes from nowhere; new stories are born from old. Salman Rushdie bornstories Discovery is fun. I am incredibly open to everything. Salman Rushdie discoveryfun I will come back to India - so deal with it. Salman Rushdie dealsindia YouTube is full of pieces of trash. If you want to look on YouTube and find something that insults you, you can probably find it. Salman Rushdie insults-youpieceswant The history of a culture can be determined by its untranslatable words. Salman Rushdie determinedculture Sometimes legends make reality, and become more useful than the facts. Salman Rushdie legendsrealityfacts Between shame and shamelessness lies the axis upon which we turn; meteorological conditions at both these poles are of the most extreme, ferocious type. Shamelessness, shame: the roots of violence. Salman Rushdie axesrootslying thought I was doing two things. One is inquiring into the phenomenon of revelation, if you are not a religious person. But, clearly, it's a sincere phenomenon. Salman Rushdie inquiringreligioustwo When we stop believing in the gods we can start believing in their stories. Salman Rushdie storiesbelieve The rate of change is global now. I think there's a kind of mind that is so ill at ease with that transformation that it reaches out for something permanent. And religious faith offers that, from simplicities, which you are told are eternal and unchanging, and you can hold on to those like a life raft in a metamorphosing world. Salman Rushdie simplicityreligiousthinking There's a lot of conflict and darkness inside everybody's family. We all pretend to outsiders that it's not so but behind locked doors there are usually high emotions running. Salman Rushdie darknessrunningdoors It may be that the books that were best liked in your lifetime are not the ones that are best liked 100 years later. Salman Rushdie maybookyears A little bit of one story joins onto an idea from another, and hey presto, . . . not old tales but new ones. Nothing comes from nothing. Salman Rushdie heystoriesideas The world is about the way in which our dreams intersect with our real life. Endlessly, the world of the imagination changes the world. Salman Rushdie realimaginationdream