The agricultural population produces the bravest men, the most valiant soldiers,46 and a class of citizens the least given of all to evil designs. Pliny the Elder More Quotes by Pliny the Elder More Quotes From Pliny the Elder Wine refreshes the stomach, sharpens the appetite, blunts care and sadness, and conduces to slumber. Pliny the Elder sadness wine food Wine maketh the band quivering, the eye watery, the night unquiet, lewd dreams, a stinking breath in the morning, and an utter forgetfulness of all things. Pliny the Elder wine dream morning Envy always implies conscious inferiority wherever it resides. Pliny the Elder inferiority envy conscious The brain is the citadel of sense perception. Pliny the Elder intellect perception brain Our youth and manhood are due to our country, but our declining years are due to ourselves. Pliny the Elder youth country years Let honor be to us as strong an obligation as necessity is to others. Pliny the Elder obligation strong honor Among these things, one thing seems certain - that nothing certain exists and that there is nothing more pitiful or more presumptuous than man. Pliny the Elder certain seems men The world, and whatever that be which we call the heavens, by the vault of which all things are enclosed, we must conceive to be a deity, to be eternal, without bounds, neither created nor subject at any time to destruction. To inquire what is beyond it is no concern of man; nor can the human mind form any conjecture concerning it. Pliny the Elder mind men heaven War should neither be feared nor provoked. Pliny the Elder provoked should war Let not things, because they are common, enjoy for that the less share of our consideration. Pliny the Elder consideration share common The best plan is to profit by the folly of others. Pliny the Elder profit folly plans Nothing which we can imagine about Nature is incredible. Pliny the Elder incredibles imagine Nulla dies sine linea - Not a day without a line. Pliny the Elder dies lines latin Chance is a second master. Pliny the Elder chances-are chance masters On a farm the best fertilizer is the master's eye. Pliny the Elder farming eye masters We listen with deep interest to what we hear, for to man novelty is ever charming. Pliny the Elder charming novelty men Man alone at the very moment of his birth, cast naked upon the naked earth, does she abandon to cries and lamentations. Pliny the Elder naked doe men It [the earth] alone remains immoveable, whilst all things revolve round it. Pliny the Elder remains earth science Made up of the glories of the most precious gems, to describe them is a matter of inexpressible difficulty. For there is amongst them the gentler fire of the ruby, there is the rich purple of the amethyst, there is the sea-green of the emerald, and all shining together in an indescribable union. Others, by an excessive heightening of their hues equal all the colours of the painter, others the flame of burning brimstone, or of a fire quickened by oil. Pliny the Elder purple oil fire This only is certain, that there is nothing certain. Pliny the Elder certain