The game is not set. There are so many layers that it is being perceived on. As your own consciousness becomes more refined, the game changes. Mooji More Quotes by Mooji More Quotes From Mooji The place you are looking for is the place from which you are looking. Mooji You are here. You are not the one who will go and come. Let what you're suffering from go and come, not you. You stay put. Mooji suffering A thought may arise: 'It's okay now, but it's going to be different when I step out the door'. Already you are anticipating your downfall. Recognise these as just thoughts. You can just watch them, feel their pull yet observe them as a movement in consciousness. Stay put as formless awareness. Mooji differentdoorswatches Being here really is just the invitation to rest as Being. There is nothing you have to do. It is not an invitation to become. You will not be scrutinized, your actions compared with those of others. Thats just unicorn food. Let your river flow as it pleases. Simply observe and recognise that all is unfolding spontaneously when that inner journalist- the ego, is exposed as a myth. Mooji egoflowrivers You are the unchanging manifesting as the changefulness Mooji unchangingmanifest Something is aware of even the energy of confusion inside of you. There is no need to get unconfused. Leave it - it will pass. Mooji confusioninspirationpractice There is no need to believe or disbelieve your thoughts - just don't enter anything. They don't distract you - you get distracted. Nothing exists in itself as a distraction - it is you who get distracted. Why? Mooji inspirationpracticebelieve Your urge to control life controls you. Mooji urges Welcome the One that has kissed you from within. Mooji welcome Observe and gradually you will come to see that all existence is occurring in empty awareness. Mooji emptyexistenceawareness When you have no intention then you have no tension! Be flexible. Mooji flexibletensionintention You wake up each day from the dream; but to be free, you must also wake up from the waking state. Mooji wake-upeach-daydream There's no one there to understand, there's just understanding, which flourishes in you as peace, joy and contentment. Mooji contentmentunderstandingjoy You don't have to transcend something that you have no interest in... it may come but it finds no food. Mooji interestmayfood The ways of the mind are ancient, but you are timeless Mooji ancientmindway Stop and sink into this timeless moment! Mooji timelessmoments Stay faithful to your own discovery, leave the rest and life will take care of it. Mooji faithfulcarediscovery When one is without ego, one becomes immediately free of all personal judgements, and perceives life and the world with divine eyes and mind. Mooji eyepeacelife Whatever comes, don’t push it away. When it goes, do not grieve. Mooji grieving Often one is more attached to the journey than to the discovery... because the journey happens in the mind... the discovery happens in the heart. Mooji journeyheartdiscovery