The obstinacy of the indolent and weak is less conquerable than that of the fiery and bold. Johann Kaspar Lavater More Quotes by Johann Kaspar Lavater More Quotes From Johann Kaspar Lavater If you mean to know yourself, interline such of these aphorisms as affect you agreeably in reading, and set a mark to such as left a sense of uneasiness with you; and then show your copy to whom you please. Johann Kaspar Lavater know-yourself reading mean The proportion of genius to the vulgar is like one to a million. Johann Kaspar Lavater vulgar proportion genius The worst of faces still is human. Johann Kaspar Lavater worst faces love Who in the same given time can produce more than others has vigor; who can produce more and better, has talents; who can produce what none else can, has genius. Johann Kaspar Lavater vigor talent genius Let none turn over books, or roam the stars in quest of God, who sees him not in man. Johann Kaspar Lavater stars god book You may depend upon it that he is a good man whose intimate friends are all good, and whose enemies are decidedly bad. Johann Kaspar Lavater good-man men enemy He who sedulously attends, pointedly asks, calmly speaks, coolly answers and ceases when he has no more to say is in possession of some of the best requisites of man Johann Kaspar Lavater inspirational men people Humility with energy is often mistaken for pride. Johann Kaspar Lavater energy pride humility Thinkers are scarce as gold; but he whose thoughts embrace all his subject, and who pursues it uninterruptedly and fearless of consequences, is a diamond of enormous size. Johann Kaspar Lavater size fearless gold Faces are as legible as books, only with these circumstances to recommend them to our perusal, that they are read in much less time, and are much less likely to deceive us. Johann Kaspar Lavater deceiving faces book Just so far as we are pleased at finding faults, are we displeased at finding perfection. Johann Kaspar Lavater envy faults perfection What do I owe to my times, to my country, to my neighbors, to my friends? Such are the questions which a virtuous man ought often to ask himself. Johann Kaspar Lavater citizenship men country The cruelty of the effeminate is more dreadful than that or the hardy. Johann Kaspar Lavater hardy cruelty The acquisition of will, for one thing exclusively, presupposes entire acquaintance with many others. Johann Kaspar Lavater acquisition acquaintance one-thing All finery is a sign of littleness. Johann Kaspar Lavater It is possible that a wise and good man may be prevailed on to game; but it is impossi∣ble that a professed gamester should be a wise and good man. Johann Kaspar Lavater gambling wise men Where there is much pretension, much has been borrowed; nature never pretends. Johann Kaspar Lavater borrowed has-beens nature What knowledge is there of which man is capable that is not founded on the exterior,--the relation that exists between visible and invisible, the perceptible and the imperceptible? Johann Kaspar Lavater invisible relation men The quicker, the louder, the applause with which another tries to gain you over to his purpose - the bitterer his censure if he miss his aim. Johann Kaspar Lavater purpose missing trying Calmness of will is a sign of grandeur. Johann Kaspar Lavater calmness grandeur